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30 reasons to perform liver tubage


06 Март 2024

Liver tubage, also known as blind probing, is a non-invasive procedure aimed at cleansing the liver and bile ducts. This method facilitates the removal of bile from the gallbladder, promoting improved digestion and overall health. 
The article discusses the benefits of liver tubage. We recommend performing tubage using our medical technology when undergoing any detoxification programs.

What is liver tubage?

Liver tubage is a technique that helps stimulate bile secretion, thereby improving liver and bile duct function. The procedure involves drinking warm water or mineral water, sometimes with the addition of certain ingredients such as magnesium sulfate or sorbitol, which help dilate the bile ducts and stimulate bile secretion.

30 reasons to perform liver tubage

1. Improvement of liver function, the body's key biochemical "factory"
The liver is a vital organ that performs over 500 functions, including blood filtration, detoxification, metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, and the production of essential proteins. Regular liver tubage optimizes these processes. The procedure stimulates bile production and excretion, easing the liver's work in processing and eliminating metabolic waste. This, in turn, can lead to increased energy levels and a strengthened immune system. Enhanced liver function also prevents fat accumulation and promotes better nutrient absorption.
2. Better nutrient absorption, feeling of fullness, and prevention of vitamin deficiency
Bile is necessary for the emulsification and digestion of fats and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K). Insufficient bile secretion can lead to digestive disorders, vitamin deficiencies, bloating, constipation, and intolerance to fatty foods. Liver tubage stimulates the bile secretion system, facilitating bile excretion and preventing its stagnation. This significantly improves the digestion and absorption of food. Quality bile enhances fat absorption and overall digestion, providing a feeling of fullness.
3. Reduction of chronic disease risk, prevention of stagnation and gallstones
Bile stagnation is one of the main causes of body weakening and the formation of gallstones, which can cause painful symptoms and require surgical intervention. Liver tubage helps keep bile moving and promotes its regular and effective excretion, reducing the risk of stagnation and stone formation. Regular performance of this procedure can prevent the need for medical intervention related to gallstones and maintain the digestive system in optimal condition.
Regular liver tubage can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cirrhosis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Improving liver and bile duct function helps prevent inflammation, bile stagnation, and fat accumulation in the liver.
4. Reduction of abdominal pain and discomfort
Abdominal pain and discomfort are often caused by digestive disorders such as bloating, gas, and indigestion, especially after eating fatty foods. This can result from stagnation and insufficient bile secretion, which hinders the digestion of proteins and fats. A series of tubages promotes abundant bile secretion by the liver, restoring the liver's bile output over a considerable period. This phenomenon facilitates the digestion and absorption of proteins and fats, which can significantly reduce discomfort and abdominal pain. Additionally, improved digestion helps prevent bloating and gas formation, ensuring a feeling of comfort and lightness.
5. Increase in energy levels and overall well-being
Prolonged insufficient bile secretion can lead to severe stagnation in the body and cause central nervous system intoxication. With stagnation, bile quality usually changes, its biochemical properties deteriorate, and bile pH levels drop. Prolonged stagnation and impaired bile formation can cause self-poisoning of the body due to the increased concentration of toxic substances in the bile itself.
6. Improvement of skin, hair, and eye condition
Liver health directly reflects on the condition of the skin, hair, and eyes. Toxins accumulating in the body due to inefficient liver function can lead to skin deterioration, acne, dull hair, and yellowing of the whites of the eyes. Liver tubage helps remove these toxins, improving blood circulation and cellular nutrition, which positively affects appearance. The skin becomes clearer and more radiant, the hair healthier and shinier, and the eyes brighter.
7. Promotion of intestinal microflora balance
Gut health is closely linked to liver function and bile production. Since bile has antimicrobial functions, insufficient bile secretion can lead to intestinal microflora imbalance, increasing the risk of conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating, and diarrhea. Liver tubage helps improve bile excretion, supporting a healthy gut microflora and normalizing digestion. A healthy gut not only enhances digestion and nutrient absorption but also plays a key role in maintaining the immune system, preventing chronic diseases and allergic reactions.
8. Prevention of inflammatory liver diseases
Liver tubage can help reduce liver inflammation, preventing inflammatory diseases such as hepatitis and steatohepatitis. By stimulating bile production and excretion, tubage helps reduce bile stagnation and toxic load on the liver, which is one of the risk factors for inflammation throughout the body. Regular performance of the procedure ensures more effective toxin removal and can help reduce inflammatory processes both in the liver and in other body systems.
9. Strengthening the immune system
The liver plays a crucial role in maintaining immune system health by filtering blood and removing potentially harmful bacteria and viruses. It also produces important immune factors that help fight infections. Liver tubage improves the liver's ability to cleanse the blood and produce these protective substances, thereby increasing overall resistance to infectious diseases. Regular tubage can lead to fewer colds and other infections, improved recovery from illness, and overall immune system strengthening.
10. Prevention of metabolic diseases
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and other metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes and obesity are often associated with impaired liver function. Fat accumulation in the liver can lead to inflammation and deterioration of its ability to regulate glucose and lipid levels in the blood. Liver tubage helps reduce bile stagnation and maintain healthy fat metabolism, which can help prevent NAFLD and reduce the risk of related metabolic diseases. Regular tubage as part of a comprehensive approach to a healthy lifestyle can improve metabolic health and reduce the likelihood of chronic diseases.
11. Normalization of cholesterol levels
The liver plays a key role in cholesterol metabolism by producing bile, which helps process and eliminate cholesterol from the body. Improper metabolism and bile stagnation can lead to elevated cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Liver tubage promotes improved bile flow and normalization of fat metabolism, including cholesterol. This can lead to a reduction in "bad" cholesterol (LDL and VLDL) and triglycerides in the blood, as well as an increase in "good" cholesterol (HDL), improving the overall lipid profile and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
12. Reduction of toxins' impact on the body
The liver is the main organ responsible for detoxifying the body. It neutralizes and removes toxins that can enter our body through food, water, air, and internal metabolic processes. Bile stagnation and reduced liver function can hinder effective toxin cleansing, leading to increased fatigue, skin problems, and overall health deterioration. Liver tubage improves bile flow and promotes more active filtration and removal of toxins, reducing their harmful impact on the body and enhancing well-being.
13. Increased stress resilience and improved psychological state, increased energy
Liver health and the state of the digestive system are closely linked to our psychological well-being and ability to cope with stress. Toxin accumulation and metabolic disruptions can affect the nervous system, leading to increased fatigue, irritability, and stress. Liver tubage, by improving liver function and promoting detoxification, can positively influence the psycho-emotional state. Reducing the toxic load on the body helps normalize neurotransmitter levels, improve sleep quality, and increase stress resilience, leading to a general sense of well-being and mood improvement.
14. Slowing down aging, detoxification, and improved antioxidant defense
Liver tubage promotes enhanced detoxification, helping the liver more effectively remove toxins and heavy metals from the body. This frees up the liver's antioxidant resources, allowing it to better handle oxidative stress and prevent cell damage. Improved antioxidant protection is crucial for preventing chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Regular tubage, as part of a comprehensive liver health maintenance program, can support antioxidant balance in the body, improve overall health, and slow down the aging process.
15. Support for the cardiovascular system
Liver tubage can indirectly influence cardiovascular health by improving fat metabolism. By stimulating bile secretion and enhancing fat processing, tubage helps reduce harmful cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides in the blood, which are major risk factors for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, improved detoxification helps reduce systemic inflammation, another important factor in maintaining heart and vessel health.
16. Stimulation of liver cell regeneration
The liver has a unique ability to regenerate and renew its cells, which is vital for maintaining its health and functionality. Liver tubage, by improving bile circulation and reducing toxic load, can promote more active renewal and restoration of liver cells. This not only helps maintain healthy liver tissue but also enhances the liver's ability to adapt and recover from damage caused by toxins, alcohol, medications, and other harmful factors.
17. Enhanced effectiveness of nutrition and diets
Liver tubage can enhance the effects of dietary changes and improve results when following dietary regimens aimed at weight loss or health improvement. By improving digestion, especially of fats, and optimizing metabolic processes, tubage promotes more complete nutrient absorption and improves the body's metabolic adaptation to dietary changes. This makes dietary efforts more effective, helping achieve health and weight goals in a more sustainable and healthy manner.
18. Strengthening the nervous system and increasing cognitive abilities
Optimizing liver functions through tubage can indirectly contribute to improving nervous system performance. The liver plays a key role in the metabolism of amino acids, which are precursors to neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. These substances are essential for regulating mood, sleep, and cognitive functions. Improved liver detoxification and metabolic efficiency can help normalize levels of these neurotransmitters, enhancing cognitive functions and emotional state.
19. Enhanced sports performance and quick muscle mass gain
The liver plays an important role in regulating and metabolizing hormones, including estrogens, androgens, and corticosteroids. Improper liver function can lead to hormonal imbalances, causing a range of health issues, including menstrual disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome, fertility problems, weight gain, or severe weight loss with an inability to gain muscle and bone mass. Liver tubage helps improve hormone metabolism, promoting the restoration of their balance and reducing problems associated with their imbalance.
20. Support for healthy weight
By improving fat metabolism and enhancing the liver's detoxification functions, liver tubage can indirectly aid in weight control and maintaining a healthy weight. Effective toxin removal and optimized nutrient processing help improve overall metabolism, making it easier to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, improved digestion and nutrient absorption can help enhance the feeling of fullness from meals, reduce hunger, and curb cravings for unhealthy foods, supporting balanced nutrition and healthy eating habits.
21. Improved hydration and fluid balance in the body
Although it may not be immediately obvious, liver health and bile secretion regulation can affect the body's fluid balance. Improper fat digestion can lead to imbalances in water absorption and retention, sometimes causing bloating and fluid retention, especially in the extremities. Liver tubage, by improving fat metabolism and stimulating bile secretion, can help normalize fluid levels in the body, promoting better hydration and reducing swelling.
22. Strengthening bone health
Bile produced by the liver plays a crucial role in the absorption of calcium and other minerals essential for maintaining bone health. Liver tubage promotes better bile production and circulation, which can improve calcium metabolism in the body. This, in turn, can help strengthen bone tissue, reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis and other bone diseases, especially in older adults or those with limited diets.
23. Reduction of allergy symptoms
Regular liver tubage can help reduce allergy symptoms by improving the body's ability to filter and remove allergens from the bloodstream. Enhanced detoxification and reduced inflammatory response can lead to decreased sensitivity to allergens, reducing the frequency and intensity of allergic reactions, including seasonal allergies, food allergies, and animal allergies. This makes liver tubage a useful addition to a comprehensive approach to allergy management.
24. Stabilization of blood sugar levels
Optimizing liver functions through tubage can help stabilize blood sugar levels. The liver plays a key role in glucose regulation by converting excess sugar into glycogen for storage and releasing it back into the bloodstream when needed. Improving these regulatory functions of the liver helps maintain glucose balance, which is especially important for people with prediabetes or diabetes. This can help reduce spikes and drops in blood sugar, preventing hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic conditions.
25. Improvement of the lymphatic system
Liver tubage can positively impact the function of the lymphatic system, which is closely linked to the immune system and is responsible for removing toxins and waste from the body's tissues. Improving liver function promotes more effective blood purification, which, in turn, reduces the load on the lymphatic system, easing its work in removing toxins. This improvement can help reduce swelling, improve fluid circulation in the body, and strengthen immunity, aiding quicker recovery from inflammation and infections.
26. Support for joint health and synovial fluid condition
Although the direct connection between liver tubage and joint health may seem unclear, the procedure can indirectly have a positive effect. Improving liver functions helps reduce overall inflammation in the body, which, in turn, can decrease joint inflammation and discomfort. Additionally, optimizing metabolism and nutrient absorption, including vitamins and minerals necessary for maintaining joint health and synovial fluid production, can support their functionality and health.
27. Slowing down aging
Improving liver functions through tubage can play a vital role in maintaining health and slowing down the aging process. Optimizing toxin removal and maintaining effective metabolism help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which are key factors accelerating aging and the development of age-related diseases. Maintaining a healthy liver can help preserve cognitive functions, support skin health, and contribute to long-term maintenance of overall physical and mental activity.
28. Support for eye health
Liver tubage can indirectly affect eye health by improving vitamin metabolism, especially vitamin A, which is crucial for maintaining normal vision and preventing conditions such as night blindness and dry eyes. Improving liver function promotes more effective conversion of beta-carotene (provitamin A found in many fruits and vegetables) into the active form of vitamin A. This, in turn, can enhance overall eye health and reduce the risk of diseases associated with vitamin A deficiency.
29. Maintenance of oral health
Liver health can influence oral health indirectly through the regulation of microflora and improved digestion. For example, optimizing liver functions and improving the digestion process can reduce the likelihood of developing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which can lead to acid erosion of teeth and other problems with teeth and gums. Additionally, improved overall detoxification helps reduce the load on the immune system, which can help reduce inflammatory processes in the gums and decrease the risk of periodontitis.
30. Improvement of sexual health
While the direct connection between liver tubage and sexual health may not be apparent, improving liver functions can help balance sex hormones, which, in turn, can positively influence libido and sexual function in both men and women. Enhanced detoxification and hormonal balance can also help reduce symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopause, improving overall quality of life and sexual well-being.

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