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Anticandida Candida protocol Candida cleansing protocol

Anti-Candida Protocol: Cleansing from Fungi and Parasites


19 января 2021

Start your course of cleansing from fungi and parasites now! Get rid of internal disorders and body pathologies, symptoms of fungus, skin problems, and chronic fatigue. Undergo treatment by following the simple rules of the cleansing protocol!


Stage 1
Conduct a self-assessment and structure the information about your health. Take a Candida test.
Duration: 1-3 days.
Stage 2
Switch to a low-carb «Anti-Candida» diet. After 2 days, start taking the «Anti-Candida» medicine to destroy the fungal chitin covering. Optionally, use cleansing boosters or detoxification products.
Duration: 2 + 48 days.
Stage 3
Gradual withdrawal from the program. Continue to stick to the diet while the high concentration of the «Anti-Candida» drug remains in your system.
Duration: 7-9 days.
Stage 4
Depending on the existing stage of infection, decide: to go through the program again or complete the course. If you choose to complete the course, undergo re-testing for fungi and Candida. Take the assessment again to compare the changes in your health.
Duration: 1 day.
Stage 5
Leave feedback after completing the course to receive pleasant bonuses. Send your results to the email: [email protected] or to the VK-group.

Details of the «Anti-Candida» course.

«Anti-Candida» Medication Course Scheme
The basic cleansing and medication course is designed for 48 days;
During the course, it's essential to adhere to an anti-fungal diet;
The 48-day fungal cleansing course is divided into 4 stages;
Each stage is designed for 5 days of medication intake followed by a 7-day break from the medication;
On the days of taking «Anti-Candida», use 1 capsule with fatty food several times a day;
The daily dosage of the medication is determined based on your body weight;
All stages follow consecutively. For course effectiveness, it's advised not to deviate from the diet, segregate the stages, or take breaks between them;
«Saturation» and maintenance of a high concentration of «Anti-Candida» in your system occur over 48 days;
The complete elimination period is 14 days after the end of intake, during which it's recommended to stick to the diet.

How to Enhance the Fungal Cleansing Course Efficiency?

The course's efficiency can be enhanced if you switch to the recommended diet and deprive the fungi of their food source at least 2 days before starting the medication;
Divide the day into equal intervals and take 1 capsule of the medication (according to dosages) several times throughout the day. This will boost the course results;
Try not to miss the medication intake time and do not take more than 2 capsules of «Anti-Candida» at once. Regularly skipping doses will reduce overall effectiveness;
Pay close attention to your diet and the composition of food, especially the one you buy pre-made. The course's benefits decrease from 20% to 80% if you don't stick to the recommended diet and consume foods with apparent and hidden sugars. In this case, you might need more time and more medication packs for a full cleanse;
Remember that the concentration of the «Anti-Candida» medication remains high in the system for another 14 days after completing the intake of the fourth batch of capsules;
Before starting the course, ensure you don't have diarrhea, so that Anti-Candida can be properly absorbed by the body.

Importance of the Anti-Fungal Diet

The cleansing course works most effectively in conjunction with the Anti-Candida diet and the elimination of «fast» carbohydrates (both apparent and hidden sugars). Adhering to this specially formulated diet ensures a rapid and successful victory over fungi.
It's crucial to understand that if you are cleansing your body of Candida and other fungi, you must deprive them of food!
Sugars are Candida's favorite food, so it's essential to eliminate them to prevent weakened fungi from resisting and rebuilding their protective barrier.
Remember, fungi are incredibly resilient. Even after the medication destroys their chitin barrier, they're numerous and have been strengthening in your body for years, challenging your immune system. It's crucial to weaken the fungi maximally through diet and recommended medications.
The more sugar, fast carbohydrates, yeast, and flour products you feed the fungi, the longer and harder it becomes to flush them out of your system. Multiple standard courses might be needed for complete cleansing, especially in advanced cases of deep fungal infections.

Weakening of the Immune System

According to some statistics, approximately a third of the European population exhibits symptoms of immune deficiency to varying degrees. For someone with a compromised immune system, cleansing might take longer than for others and require more time and energy. In particularly severe cases, a patient might not recover no matter the therapy prescribed.
Analyzing this situation critically, one can assert: the immune system can't deliberately function poorly, as its fight against foreign agents is a fight for life. White blood cells are the human body's «internal police». These «robots» are devoid of laziness and fatigue. They work continuously, as long as there is the «building material» they consist of and the «factory» that produces them is operational.
Hidden behind vague terms like «immunological tolerance» and «immunodeficiency» is a complex of deficient state, toxemia, and parasitic infection.
If the reproduction of infection matches or even exceeds the immune system's capacity to neutralize it, chronic diseases arise and worsen over the years. The more an infection overtakes the body (often due to an individual's actions, neglecting health, poor sleep, not drinking water, indiscriminate eating, constant stress, and other factors), the more pronounced the immunodeficiency becomes. To avoid feeling chronically ill, one must maintain a healthy lifestyle, ensure proper quality nutrition, sleep, exercise, psychological and emotional comfort.

A chitin synthesis inhibitor - effective support for the immune system in combating fungi.

«Anti-Candida» for Chronic Fungal Infections
As you know, the inhibitor does not kill the fungus but strips it of its protective shell. This provides immense assistance to your immune system in expelling the fungi from the body.
As an additional measure, we recommend individuals with an «inactive» or «weak» immune system to intensify the pressure on fungi and parasites by consuming recommended antifungal products and dietary supplements. It's also advisable to extend the intake of Anti-Candida by at least twice the usual duration.

«Anti-Parasite» - A Comprehensive Anti-Parasitic Body Cleanser

A specially designed extra-strength product «Anti-Parasite» can significantly boost the cleansing effect. This medication destroys micro and macro parasites in the intestines and bloodstream, reducing the excessive microbial load on the body, and makes life considerably more difficult for fungi.
Powerful Anti-Parasitic Medicine «Anti-Parasite»

Dosage scheme for «ANTI-PARASITE»:

The basic cleansing and medication course lasts for 35 days;
The 35-day parasite cleansing course is divided into 2 stages;
The first stage spans 13 days of medication intake followed by a 9-day break;
The second stage consists of 13 days of medication intake and another 9 days adhering to the recommended diet;
Throughout the course, one must adhere to the «Anti-Candida diet»;
To achieve maximum efficiency, it's advised to reduce meat consumption to 200-300 grams per day for the entire course of Anti-Parasite (35 days) or switch to the vegan version of the «Anti-Candida» diet (excluding meat products);
It is best to start taking «ANTI-PARASITE» simultaneously with the beginning of the second five-day regimen of «ANTI-CANDIDA» capsules.
On the days of intake, use «ANTI-PARASITE» as follows:
1. In the morning, 30 minutes before eating, take 2 capsules of formula №1 and 1 capsule of formula №2.
2. In the evening, 30 minutes before eating, take 1 capsule of formula №1 and 2 capsules of formula №2.
After 13 days of taking the medication, take a 9-day break and then repeat the 13-day course.
The total duration of the course is 35 days.

Regarding cleansing protocols:

✔️ The ANTI-CANDIDA & ANTI-PARASITE cleansing protocol (antifungal and antiparasitic treatment);
✔️ The GAPS protocol or elimination diet (a protocol for allergy testing - determining individual food intolerances).
The GAPS protocol is recommended only after completing the Anti-Candida and Anti-Parasite protocols if symptoms persist. Treating «leaky gut» is an effective remedy for allergy symptoms.
The GAPS protocol is recommended only after completing the Anti-Candida and Anti-Parasite protocols if symptoms persist. Treating «leaky gut» is an effective remedy for allergy symptoms.

If you have any questions, please ask them in the Anti-Candida group chat:

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