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Anticandida Blog and reviews 9 products for leaky gut

9 products to heal a «leaky» gut


19 января 2021

If you are already on the GAPS diet and are treating a «leaky gut», you should also know about products and supplements that will significantly speed up its recovery process.
#1 Bone Broth
Slow cooked bone broth is a superfood. It contains a vast amount of beneficial nutrients, including those for the nervous system, collagen, and rare amino acids. The substances found in bone broth will quickly heal the damaged intestinal walls.
It's advisable to drink the broth 2-3 times a day.
We recommend:
— Beef Broth (Buy on iHerb)
— Chicken Broth (Buy on iHerb)
#2 Probiotics
They are a vital supplement, as they help replenish beneficial bacteria that additionally care for the intestine, restoring its walls, and oust harmful bacteria and fungi.
You should only take concentrated probiotics with a bacteria count of no less than 10 billion units, twice a day.
We recommend:
— LactoBif 30 Probiotic (Buy on iHerb
— PRO-15 Forte Probiotic (Buy on iHerb)
Perfect options for price-quality ratio.
#3 L-Glutamine
This amino acid is highly effective and crucial in treating leaky gut syndrome. L-Glutamine is an essential amino acid that has anti-inflammatory effects and is necessary for the growth and repair of intestinal walls.
Take 2-3 times a day, 5g for 6-8 weeks.
We recommend:
— L-Glutamine (Buy on iHerb)
One package for a full recovery course.
#4 Licorice Root (DGL) & Ashwagandha & Triphala
Licorice, Ashwagandha, and Triphala are adaptogenic plants that help balance the stress hormone cortisol levels. Besides, these herbs are effective mucilage agents and are highly efficient for protecting and restoring the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum.
We recommend:
— DGL Licorice Root (Buy on iHerb)
— Ashwagandha (Buy on iHerb)
#5 Dihydroquercetin
Dihydroquercetin is also indicated to enhance the protective function of the intestine by thickening its walls, as this substance promotes the formation of tight protein junctions. It also stabilizes mast cells and reduces the release of histamine, which is primary in food intolerance. Recent studies have also shown its effectiveness in healing ulcerative colitis.
We recommend:
— Dihydroquercetin (Buy from the manufacturer)
Note the difference between simple «quercetin» and «dihydroquercetin». Their effectiveness varies.
#6 Lecithin
Gut health largely depends on the liver's ability to cleanse the body and neutralize poisons and toxins. Lecithin is a fundamental component of many hepatoprotectors (for liver protection and support). From this substance, phospholipids are formed, which actively participate in creating new liver cells and its regeneration.
We recommend:
— Lecithin (Buy on iHerb)
The best value for the price/quality ratio.
#7 Enzymes
Gut health also depends on the pancreas's ability to break down food with the release of enzymes. If food is fully digested, it greatly reduces the likelihood of irritating the intestinal wall. Therefore, to relieve the body as a whole, it is recommended to undergo a course of enzyme intake.
We recommend:
— Super Enzymes (Buy on iHerb)
#8 Zinc Complex with L-Carnosine
Zinc and L-Carnosine possess healing, anti-inflammatory actions, restoring the intestinal walls and reducing its pathological permeability. The complex has proven its effectiveness even in treating stomach ulcers and damage to the intestinal mucosa from prolonged intake of non-steroidal analgesics. It has a beneficial effect on immunity, helps with depression, hyperactivity syndrome, and attention deficit disorder.
We recommend:
— Zinc Complex with L-Carnosine (Buy on iHerb)

#9 Liquid Chlorophyll
A remarkable substance that has pronounced detoxifying, bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory effects, improving the function of leukocytes and erythrocytes. It increases energy and even has deodorizing action - proven to reduce unpleasant body and mouth odors.
We recommend:
— Liquid Chlorophyll (Buy on iHerb)

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