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Symptoms of Candida fungus in initial and chronic candidiasis


19 января 2021

How can you recognize the first signs and symptoms of a fungal disease and how do you diagnose it?
The list provided in the article reflects a wide range of effects of Candida fungi on the human body. Depending on the intensity of fungal infection and the quality of detoxification organs' functioning, various amounts of toxic substances can enter the body. When toxins enter the bloodstream, various symptoms can arise: mild local manifestations that quickly pass, or pronounced chronic reactions that turn into prolonged exacerbations or allergies.
It's important to understand that every individual is unique. Each body has its strengths and weaknesses, and with the same fungal disease «Candida Albicans», different people may experience different symptoms that vary from individual to individual. The «exit gates» of the disease can also differ.

№ 1. Mental, emotional sphere / nervous system:

Headaches (from toxemia);
Dizziness (from toxemia);
Sleep problems, restless sleep, insomnia, sleepwalking;
Mental tension, irritability, nervous breakdowns;
Depression, bouts of melancholy mood, neurosis;
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD);
Feeling of confusion, nervous exhaustion;
Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD);
Anxiety states (up to panic attacks);
Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive psychosis);
Suicidal thoughts and tendencies;
Irregular rapid heartbeat;
«Brain fog», confusion;
Distractedness, forgetfulness, memory lapses;
Lack of motivation and life enthusiasm;
Chronic fatigue, weakness.

№ 2. Digestive System:

Nasal congestion, difficulty breathing;
Frequent expectoration of phlegm, presence of mucus in the pharynx;
Acid reflux (heartburn), ulcers, gastritis;
Hypertension (high blood pressure);
Irritable bowel syndrome, food allergies;
«Metabolic syndrome», edema, type 2 diabetes;
Decreased body mass index (asthenia), anorexic or bulimic disorders;
Episodes of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels);
Craving for sweets, chocolate, coffee, white bread, flour and yeast products, moldy cheese, yeast kefir, vinegar, pickles, alcohol, nuts, grapes, bananas, chemical additives, and sweet beverages;
«Beer belly», or pear-shaped obesity (excessive weight around the abdominal cavity);
Significant excess weight with deposits all over the body (soft structure of adipose tissue);
Diffuse changes or enlargement of internal organs;
High levels of cholesterol or triglycerides;
Constipation and/or diarrhea;
Bitter or sweet taste in the mouth;
White coating on the tongue, bad breath;
Mucous excretions during defecation;
Anal itching, fissures.

№ 3. Skin, Eyes, Hair:

Unpleasant body odor, «parmesan» smell from feet;
Athlete's foot, nail fungus, nail plate deformation - onychomycosis;
Skin problems – eczema, rash, psoriasis, dermatitis, rosacea;
Dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis;
Redness, inflammation, itching, and flaking of the facial, scalp, and body skin;
Hair follicle depletion due to infectious processes;
Increased hair loss, focal hair loss;
Prematurely graying hair;
Systemic vision deterioration, floaters in the eyes;
Retinal detachment, cataracts.
Skin candidiasis and fungal diseases:
Skin diseases are caused by toxemia and parasitic fungi that can live on the mucous membranes, in the ears, hair, nails, and sebaceous glands. They include fungi such as Candida, Malassezia, and Aspergillus.

№ 4. Immune Disorders:

Frequent sore throat, runny nose;
Feeling as if «always catching a cold»;
Chronically weakened immune system;
Recurring illnesses - ARVI, colds, tonsillitis, ear inflammations, pharynx, kidneys, urogenital system;
Breathing difficulties, wheezy breathing, shortness of breath;
Asthmatic attacks;
Allergic reactions;
Autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, hypothyroidism, osteoarthritis, encephalomyelitis, polyneuritis, scleroderma, diabetes, etc.);
Cysts, polyps, fibroids, and other neoplasms;
Penicillin allergy.

№ 5. General Symptoms:

Physical and mental fatigue;
Pain in muscles or joints, fibromyalgia;
Raynaud's disease – cold feet, hands, sweating;
Increased perspiration;
Discomfort in the body at any temperature.

№ 6. Reproductive Health Issues:

Painful premenstrual syndrome (PMS);
Endometriosis, chronic pelvic pain;
Pain during urination;
Pain during intercourse;
Impotence, excessive libido, or its absence;
White cottage cheese-like discharge from the vagina and glans penis;
Vaginal yeast infections, thrush, groin itch;
Swelling and redness of the mucous membranes of the genitals;
Burning and itching of the genitals;
Polycystic ovary syndrome;
Difficulties conceiving a child, infertility, miscarriages;
Disrupted hormonal balance, inactive sperm.

If you have any questions, please ask them in the Anti-Candida group chat:

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