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Anticandida Probiotics How to choose probiotic?

How to choose the best probiotic for Candida cleansing?


19 января 2021

Choosing a good probiotic is not easy. There are factors that must be taken into account, and unfortunately, most probiotic supplements do not meet even one of the selection criteria.
Gut health is the foundation of overall health. By supporting the gut with probiotics, you can reduce inflammation, improve digestion, boost your immunity, and prevent excessive growth of Candida.
There are five questions you should ask every time you choose probiotics. With so many supplements on the market, making the right choice becomes a challenging task. This guide will help you find a good product.

Question №1: Do the bacteria reach the intestine?

For probiotic bacteria to literally reach the large intestine, they have to «go through several circles of hell». And the stomach is only part of this process.
The stomach's hydrochloric acid is an extremely aggressive environment. Gastric juice neutralizes all live microorganisms that enter it with food, so they don't pass into the body's clean zones. Therefore, food will be processed by stomach juice until it neutralizes the pathogenic bacteria in it. In addition, under the influence of stomach acid, proteins begin to break down. For this reason, one product may be digested for 20 minutes, while another, like meat, can take several hours. If the stomach can't handle the task of killing the pathogenic microorganisms in the food, there's a protective vomiting reflex.
When you take dietary supplements, medicines, vitamins, antibiotics, or pain relievers, they first enter the acidic environment of your stomach and are processed there for a long time. This process doesn't damage the active substance, and the preparations have the desired effect.
The problem with LIVE bacteria is that they DIE in stomach acid BEFORE they reach the intestine.
For this reason, we recommend using forms of probiotic supplements that are protected from the effects of stomach acid.
The tablet or capsule coating should be acid-resistant; only then will it go through the entire cycle of being processed by stomach acid, reach the intestine, and gradually release bacteria there.
=> The packaging should be labeled «Acid Resist» or «BIO-tract».
A capsule with this coating doesn't dissolve and maintains its integrity for up to 2-3 hours after consumption.
Traditional probiotics use standard plant-based capsules, which dissolve just a few minutes after ingestion. Studies have shown that they deliver only about 1-4% of probiotic bacteria to the intestine. The remaining 96-99% are affected by stomach acid and perish.
If you've been consuming kefir or Activia for a long time, took probiotics and didn't experience a positive effect, don't be surprised; it's expected. Sellers just won't tell you about it.
If the bacteria have only a 1-4% chance of getting to the right place, you shouldn't expect fast positive results. However, if you need quick results, use probiotics labeled «Acid Resist» or «BIO-tract».
Probiotics with the BIO-tract technology deliver over 60% of bacteria to the intestine, overcoming the action of stomach acid. That's 15-30 times more than regular probiotics in plant-based capsules or fermented milk drinks. Once such a capsule reaches the intestine, it will slowly release beneficial bacteria throughout the day.
By following this rule, you can be sure that beneficial bacteria will reach the intestine and won't die in the stomach. You'll get all the benefits from your probiotic without wasting time or money.

Question №2: How many billion CFUs of bacteria are contained in the probiotic?

CFU stands for Colony Forming Units and tells us the level of live and active bacteria we can find in a probiotic dose. This doesn't give the full picture, but it allows for comparison. In general, the higher the CFU count, the more effective the probiotic. Not all probiotics indicate their CFU content. This label might be written in small print. Pay attention.
=> One probiotic capsule should contain at least 3 billion CFUs to be beneficial for adults, and at least 1 billion CFUs for children.
If you come across a probiotic that doesn't clearly state the number of CFUs, look for another. The higher the CFU count, the more beneficial bacteria will enter your intestine, where they can work to heal your body.
No one has ever overdosed on probiotics. The worst side effect that can occur is bloating. So, the higher the CFU – the better.

Question №3: What strains of bacteria does the probiotic contain?

One of the most important things to pay attention to is the bacterial strains contained in the probiotic. This can be confusing — there are many different species, and some of them sound very similar!
Fortunately, significant research on probiotic bacteria has been conducted in the past decade. It is now precisely known which strains will bring the most benefits. Here are some of the best bacterial strains you can find in a probiotic:
This bacteria has high adhesion, meaning it adheres well to the intestinal walls and aids in healing the intestine from wounds. It's an excellent choice for «irritable bowel syndrome». Moreover, it effectively combats bacteria and yeasts, such as E. coli and Candida Albicans.
This bacteria has high adhesion, meaning it adheres well to the intestinal walls and aids in healing the intestine from wounds. It's an excellent choice for «irritable bowel syndrome». Moreover, it effectively combats bacteria and yeasts, such as E. coli and Candida Albicans.
L. Plantarum helps protect the intestinal lining. Because of these properties, it's a great choice for those suffering from intestinal irritation or colitis.
Studies have shown that this resilient bacteria can survive in harsh conditions and even during simultaneous antibiotic treatment. If you need to take antibiotics and want to avoid excessive yeast growth, L. plantarum is the ideal choice for probiotics.
Very few Europeans have a significant population of L. plantarum due to a diet high in sugar, alcohol, and fats. However, for those who adhere to a healthy diet rich in fiber, such as indigenous African tribes, this strain thrives.
According to research, L. plantarum prevents cancer development, improves nutrient extraction from food, reduces intestinal inflammation, and enhances digestion.
L. paracasei has potent antibacterial properties and can inhibit the growth of common pathogenic agents, including E. coli and Candida Albicans. This was demonstrated in a study where researchers fed mice fermented milk mixed with L. paracasei. It was found that their gut flora improved and that the Candida colony was inhibited.
L. paracasei is also extremely beneficial against Porphyromonas gingivalis, which causes periodontitis, so this strain is often added to oral probiotics.
L. acidophilus is arguably the most well-known and thoroughly studied of the lactobacilli. It's one of the most effective probiotic bacteria against Candida Albicans.
L. acidophilus produces lactic acid as a by-product of its metabolism. This helps to regulate acidity in the intestines very well. The bacteria strengthen the immune system and prevent Candida Albicans from transitioning to a pathogenic chitinous form (recall that an alkaline environment is required for this).
It has also been found that this remarkable microbe reduces cholesterol levels, prevents and treats diarrhea, alleviates symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, aids in weight loss, reduces cold and flu symptoms, reduces allergies and eczema, and is an excellent bacterium for improving gut health.
Saccharomyces Boulardii is a single-celled microscopic yeast fungus from the Saccharomyces genus. The microorganism inherited its name «Boulardii» from its discoverer, the French scientist Henri Boulard, who, while in the tropics of Indochina, noticed that local residents used the peel of lychee and mangosteen fruits for intestinal disorders. From these products, the scientist derived this probiotic, which is now well-studied and highly recommended for treating traveler's acute diarrhea or when taking antibiotics.
In our context, this microorganism is important because it has proven its antagonism to fungi of the Candida genus - it destroys their biofilm and stops the multiplication of fungi.
The advantage of Saccharomyces Boulardii is its resistance to the acidic environment of stomach acid, but these microbes do not live long in the intestine. After doing their beneficial work—neutralizing toxins and eliminating pathogenic microflora—they leave the intestine without colonizing it, meaning they do not displace beneficial natural microorganisms. 2-5 days after taking Saccharomyces, they are no longer found in the intestinal environment.
Among the beneficial actions of Saccharomyces, one can note:
✅ displacement of pathogenic microflora
✅ neutralization of toxins
✅ enhancement of local immunity
✅ reduction of inflammation
✅ antagonism with Candida fungi
✅ alleviation of diarrhea and bloating
✅ improved digestion by increasing the activity of digestive enzymes
Dietary supplements with Saccharomyces Boulardii should be taken after consulting a doctor. As a probiotic agent, the supplement should be taken during meals in the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Question №4: How many different strains of bacteria does the probiotic contain?

Your gut microbiome can consist of 1,000 different types of bacteria, and each strain of bacteria has its strengths. Gut microbes collectively weigh 1.5-2 kg and contain more than 300,000 genes - far more than the human genome! Diversity is the power of the microbiome to give us energy, protect us from pathogenic microorganisms, and make our lives healthier and happier. Therefore, when choosing a probiotic, it makes sense to opt for one that contains a larger number of different strains. Follow this idea.
Research which strains are most suitable for you personally, then choose a probiotic that contains the majority of these species. Different strains will work harmoniously for your healing.
Look for a probiotic that has at least 5 strains of bacteria, or alternate between different types of probiotics.

Question №5: Are there other ingredients that can harm gut health?

Tablets and capsules always include additional filler ingredients, apart from the active agent or supplement being considered. They are usually included to extend shelf life, sweeten, or facilitate the encapsulation of the probiotic.
You should read the composition carefully. These added substances can often harm your health. Other ingredients might be allergens or substances that could harm your health in other ways.
Some manufacturers include gluten, nuts, dairy products, or animal-derived products in their probiotics. This can lead to adverse effects if you are allergic to them, suffer from conditions like celiac disease, or if you are a vegetarian or vegan.
Be especially careful to avoid additives that contain chewing gum. This is typically used in some delayed-release vegetable capsules, as well as in «sticky» vitamins and probiotics.
Substances used in these preparations can irritate the intestine, potentially compromising its health and exacerbating fungal infections. Examples include gellan gum and xanthan gum.
Also, watch out for unnecessary sweeteners. These sugars can take various forms, such as sugar, sucralose, maltodextrin, and others. Some of these sweeteners can feed pathogenic bacteria and yeasts, others act as intestinal irritants, but none of them are truly necessary ingredients in a high-quality product.
Often, you might find Fructooligosaccharide (FOS) listed as an ingredient. This is what we call a prebiotic. What prebiotics do is provide a food source for the bacteria encapsulated so they have something to feed on until they are assimilated by the human body.
Consuming large amounts of prebiotics with fructooligosaccharides can be problematic, as they can trigger SIBO or feed candida, but small amounts in a supplement are okay.

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