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Anticandida Blog and reviews Analyses for pathogenic microflora

Analyses to identify other pathogenic microflora besides fungi


19 января 2021

As mentioned earlier, fungal infections are difficult to diagnose, and even direct examinations of the affected areas often fail to identify the fungus. However, before starting your body's parasite cleansing regimen, it is recommended to take tests to determine any present pathogenic microflora other than fungi.
It would be very beneficial to determine if there are additional infection sites in your body and what these sites are. It will also be useful to find out which drugs, antibiotics, and bacteriophages they are sensitive to.

Proper intake of antimicrobial substances

The logic behind the «Anti-Candida» regimen implies the use of the carbohydrate-free «Anti-Candida diet». By following this diet, you can safely consume any antimicrobials without fearing that they will not work, will be ineffective, and eventually harm your body without killing the parasites.
By depriving fungi and parasites of a food base in the form of fast carbohydrates, you deliberately weaken them, and the microflora becomes vulnerable. If you use medications while on this diet, they will simply eradicate them.
Few people are aware of this simple truth, and even fewer doctors emphasize this to their patients. You are likely reading for the first time that the combination of antibiotics and a carbohydrate-free diet is much more effective and safer than merely taking antibiotics while eating as one pleases, with bacteria benefiting from the pressure of medical drugs and an excess carbohydrate food base, rapidly growing and revolting.
The recommendation is as follows: follow the «Anti-Candida» protocol, and you will undergo a genuinely effective cleansing course, which will help you get rid of not only fungi but other body parasites as well.

Ear, throat, nose swab

✔️ Considered one of the most critical tests. It's performed for any medical examination. You can have it done by an ENT specialist in any private medical clinic.
A microbiologist, analyzing your biological samples, cultures them in a Petri dish. When the microflora grows, the specialist determines its strain, quantity, and sensitivity to medicinal drugs: antibiotics and bacteriophages.
For your convenience, we show how the form looks after conducting the tests:
It's recommended to get tested and treated together with your sexual partner, as the throat and nasal microflora is usually the same for both spouses.
The most important things you need to find out from this test are:
1. Do you have pathogenic flora?
2. How much of it?
3. To which drugs is the microflora sensitive?
A count of 10^5 and above is already a high titer. Some doctors suggest taking just one swab - from the throat, and if something is found, then later take from the ears and nose. To save time and not visit the clinic multiple times, it's better to immediately take 3 separate swabs: 1 from the ear, 1 from the throat, and 1 from the nose.

Fecal culture for flora

✔️ One of the most important tests. It's performed for any medical examination. Available in almost any private clinic.
The test shows the quantitative presence of beneficial and pathogenic flora in your intestine, if present.
For your convenience, ask the doctors to highlight unwanted microflora with a marker and indicate the best antibiotic or bacteriophage.
The test allows for the identification of dysbiosis and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). The sensitivity of any found pathogenic flora to antibiotics and bacteriophages is also determined.
Analysis of Test Results

It's best to simultaneously take swabs at an ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist) and conduct a bacterial culture. If microbiological testing reveals several strains of parasites with a high titer (more than 10^5), visit the ENT again for a prescription that will be effective against both intestinal parasites and those in the ear, throat, and nose.

Ask for a prescription so you can purchase the medicine at a pharmacy. However, if the test detects parasites in low concentrations of 10^3 or 10^4, you can ignore them. The body will naturally rid itself of these if you follow the «Anti-Candida» and «Anti-Parasite» body-cleansing protocols. If the tests show a decrease in beneficial intestinal flora, you are advised to take both probiotics and prebiotics.

Osipov's HMS Venous Blood Test

✔️ The Osipov HMS venous blood test is perhaps the most detailed scientific analysis that can identify pathogenic microflora living both inside and outside the intestine. It's recommended for particularly severe fungal infections and for those who want to test for other pathogenic microorganisms besides fungi.
Since pathogenic bacteria can live in the brain, muscles, joints, and internal organs, the previous two tests won't detect them. Meanwhile, an individual might experience painful symptoms due to the activity of these «hidden» bacteria.
The most detailed blood test for various types of parasites. Its advantages include high informativeness regarding different types of fungi.
Every bacteria and microorganism leaves a unique «trace». The chemicals produced by the microflora (metabolic products) can be tracked with this test. From the detected toxins, one can identify the type of bacteria, and from their quantity - how many live in the organism. 
The diagnosis very accurately determines the disease-causing agent, identifies excessive bacterial growth, and much more. It's available in most major cities.

Dark Field or Phase-Contrast Microscopy of a Single Drop of Live Blood

✔️ Microscopy allows you to see the current state of the blood. You can live-track the movement of pests inside you.
The blood is filled with toxins due to a fungal infection. A multitude of small parasites is detected. Erythrocytes have changed their shape: they are not round but star-shaped, not biconcave but bloated.
All forms of unicellular and intracellular parasites prey on hemoglobin (iron) carried by erythrocytes. Red blood cells are their favorite food, which is why many people suffer from anemia, have a jaundiced skin tone, dark circles under their eyes, and complain of low hemoglobin levels.
The images below show erythrocytes damaged by fungi and hemolytic streptococcus. The third image depicts erythrocytes infected by fungi, with «legs» grown on them.
Punctured holes and a side coating on erythrocytes are the result of microbiological blood contamination. The image was taken using an electron microscope.
Red blood cells are damaged by blood parasites, which eat away iron and valuable amino acids. Put simply, you are now observing a picture of decreased hemoglobin and a moderate form of anemia.
Erythrocytes affected by fungi have mutated, their shape has drastically changed. The blood quality is low.
Overall, in the blood of an average person after the age of 25-30, there are numerous small parasites (white moving dots in the photos).
It is recommended for everyone to see the actual picture of their blood at least once to dispel all doubts about «blood sterility» and to remove the rose-colored glasses of «I don't have parasites», if you still wear them.
These illustrations are not intended to scare but to urge taking care of one's health, realizing that problems in most cases have microbiological roots, and to finally address the inhabitants of your «inner world» before they address you.

Anemia and its other manifestations lead to chronic ischemia (deoxygenation) of the body due to the activity of parasites. Typical symptoms include fatigue, lethargy, depression, lack of willpower, and low stress resistance. In general, every person after the age of 25 needs a procedure to «service» their body and to treat for fungi and parasites. Don't believe it? Simply undergo dark-field microscopy of a single drop of live blood, and you will see everything with your own eyes.

Bio-resonance testing, Foll method

✔️ This test is a budget-friendly alternative to expensive medical tests, though somewhat pseudoscientific. It indicates the presence of all pathogenic microflora throughout the body.
The essence of the study: the operator connects you to a device that sends electrical impulses into your body and receives feedback.
The computer analyzes any changes and deviations of the sent signal, indicating the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the subject's body. Since the method is over 100 years old, all frequencies are already known in advance and entered into the computer.
There is much conflicting information about this on the internet, but the method is certified and has long been used in para-medical circles.
Before the test, be sure to ask the operator to list all pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, fungi, bacteria, parasites) and their approximate numbers for you.
Make sure the operator DOES NOT TOUCH YOU WITH HIS HANDS during the measurements. Only his working instrument should touch you, otherwise interference is inevitable.

«Any disease is the body's response to infection».

This statement is the most fundamental postulate of traditional medicine, which, for some reason, doctors rarely mention today and almost never inform their patients about.
After undergoing examinations, receiving results, and procedures to visualize your own blood under a dark-field microscope, you will no longer have questions about «where diseases come from».
In addition to the results you've already obtained, try to consider a very important nuance: many parasitic diseases, such as opisthorchiasis (affecting the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas), helminthiasis (intestinal infection), trichomoniasis (infection with single-celled blood parasites), and fungal infections, despite the advancements in science, are still very difficult to diagnose today. Often, tests indicate that the patient is «sterile».
Therefore, if you have excess weight, or on the contrary, excessive thinness, chronic fatigue syndrome, scattered thinking, inner laziness and weakness, anemia, and a lingering feeling that your life has lost its vibrancy, as well as many other diseases, it's reasonable to assume that the body is infected. The next step is to act using a process of elimination. Only in this way can you identify the disease and restore health.

If you have any questions, please ask them in the general Anti-Candida chat:

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