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Anticandida Candida diet Antifungal products and supplements

Antifungal products, dietary supplements, and additives against Candida and other fungi


19 января 2021

From this article, you will learn about various supplements and products that will give you an additional advantage when going through the «Anti-Candida» course.
We will discuss 2 directions:
Agents that enhance the fungus destruction effect;
Detoxification agents that support the body and its organs.
Candida, even when deprived of its protective chitin layer, remains quite tenacious. Once the chitin layer is neutralized by «Anti-Candida», the immune system will actively begin to clear fungal colonies. Your body will destroy the fungi and Candida while they are vulnerable and under the influence of the inhibitor.
If for some reason your immune system is weakened or inactive, increasing pressure on the fungi will improve cleansing efficiency. You can further intensify the pressure on the fungus by taking various substances and preparations with antifungal effects.
The advantage is that when used together, antifungal medications and «Anti-Candida» will complement and amplify each other, acting much more intensively against Candida and other fungi.

How to achieve maximum effectiveness when clearing Candida fungi?

When talking about maximum effectiveness, it is achieved by combining a large number of antifungal preparations, consumed systematically and in small amounts during the «Anti-Candida» course.
Also, the diversity of these substances is important. The richer it is, the more impactful it will be against fungi. Use supplements together. This will leave Candida with no chance of survival.
It's important to understand the following mechanism:
It's better not to use booster supplements outside of the Candida cleansing program. The fungus can adapt to any environmental change, can remember, and develop immunity to any substance. Therefore, your actions should be carefully planned, and the blow should be sudden and systematic: booster substances should be introduced gradually one after the other over a long period as part of a comprehensive Candida cleansing program, including the «Anti-Candida» antifungal diet and preparation course.
Your program should be designed for at least 6 weeks. A systematic approach will lead to comprehensive fungal cleansing. Stick to this strategy and eradicate fungi using a diverse range of cleansing booster supplements, ensuring they effectively combat them together.
Don't forget about liver support agents and sorbents. The more antifungal supplements you consume, the greater the load on your liver from the toxins released as the fungus dies off.
If you act without a clear purpose—first taking one supplement, then another, without adhering to a diet and a serious set goal—then you are essentially cultivating a new, highly resistant strain of fungi in your body that is resistant to a wide range of chemical and biological substances.
Now, let's talk about the preparations for the cleansing course:

 Preparation №1 and №2 

These are the basic preparations for comprehensive body cleansing from fungi and parasites. When used together, they enhance each other's antifungal and antiparasitic actions.
We recommend:
 Anti-Candida (Buy at Anticandida.com)
— Anti-Parasite (Buy at Anticandida.com)

Preparation №3 - Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is an additional booster for the cleansing course and an excellent antibacterial complex. The finest particles of colloidal silver enter the bloodstream and block respiratory enzymes, which bacteria use to sustain their life. Colloidal silver doesn't kill bacteria, but it creates unbearable conditions for their existence.
By promoting the slow death of pathogenic flora (including all types of fungi), silver reduces the potential for reproduction and survival of harmful microorganisms and bacteria. Meanwhile, silver is slowly excreted from the body. Carrying out its functions, silver does not deplete but continues to work over and over again. In small therapeutic doses, colloidal silver is absolutely safe for humans.
We recommend:
— Colloidal Silver (Buy at Anticandida.com)

Preparation №4 - Caprylic Acid

Caprylic acid is one of the main antifungal products. It damages the fungal cytoplasmic membrane, making it permeable and fluid, leading to the loss of protective properties.
Entering the microbial cell through the plasma membrane, caprylic acid affects the biological function of Candida fungi. Even at a low concentration, caprylic acid can prevent oral cavity infections.
Caprylic acid, in combination with chitin synthesis inhibitors, has an overwhelming effect on pathogenic flora — it kills fungi, bacteria, and viruses by destroying their cellular membranes and causing rapid death.
We recommend:
— Caprylic Acid (Buy on iHerb)

Preparation №5 - Oregano Essential Oil

Oregano essential oil can be applied topically and taken internally. The highly effective active ingredient in oregano oil, «carvacrol», rapidly erodes the membrane of fungi and bacteria, destroying them indiscriminately. An excellent booster.
The active ingredient is unique in that it destroys the putrefactive microbiome in the intestine, while almost not affecting the symbiotic one. However, it has a drawback. The volatile compounds of this oil evaporate quickly and leave the body, so it needs to be taken systematically 2-3 times a day. Oregano oil predominantly disinfects the gastrointestinal tract.
We recommend:
— Oregano Oil (Buy on iHerb)

Preparation №6 - Propolis Extract

A natural antibiotic with an impressive list of beneficial effects. In extract form, it's extremely effective against fungi, pathogenic bacteria, and viruses throughout the GI tract.
It is especially effective for cleansing the throat and esophagus, in which case the extract should be taken on an empty stomach or immediately after eating.
Regular propolis can also be used — mix it with water, blend in a blender, and drink before meals on an empty stomach, but its effect will be up to 10 times weaker than the extract.
In the Russian market, you can find a product called «Ey-Pi-Vi» by Tentorium company, a water-based propolis extract. This extract can be drunk and used as eye, ear, and nasal drops, a mouth spray, and applied to affected areas.
We recommend:
— Propolis Extract (Buy on iHerb)

Preparation №7 - Cat's Claw Extract

Cat's Claw is the only known supplement that addresses the problem of «incomplete phagocytosis», acting on leukocytes – the protective forces of our body. Leukocytes are billions of white blood cells that protect the human body from foreign genes (infectious invasion). The essence of leukocyte (phage) function lies in «eating» and «digesting» everything foreign that enters the body. Therefore, phagocytosis derives from the word phage, which in Greek «phagos» means «devouring».
There's a common problem identified in the late 19th century by Ilya Mechnikov when leukocytes lose their protective functions due to a decrease in their ability to «digest foreign agents». Such a defect leads to a significant decrease in immunity.
In medical terminology, this problem has been actively studied for many decades and is called «incomplete phagocytosis». In fact, this is a significant issue because the faster a leukocyte «digests its food», the more «foreign agents» it can destroy during its lifespan, and consequently, the cleaner a human's internal environment will be.
As a result, over the lifespan of a leukocyte, there's a significant reduction in the amount of waste utilized and bacteria destroyed by it. On the scale of the «entire army», this is a huge decrease in defensive capabilities. When someone says, «I have a weak immune system», they are likely unknowingly referring to incomplete phagocytosis in part.
During a fungal cleansing course, leukocyte activity should be at its highest. Cat's Claw is a medication that stimulates the phagocytic activity of leukocytes. After its use, it makes leukocytes much more active. While taking this supplement, there is a significant increase in leukocyte efficiency, reaching their productivity peak.
During a fungal cleansing course, leukocyte activity should be at its highest. Cat's Claw is a remedy that stimulates the phagocytosing activity of leukocytes. After its application, it makes them much more active and aggressive. During the intake of this supplement, there is a significant increase in leukocyte efficiency, reaching their productivity peak.
Activated immune cells will reach fungi throughout the body. This supplement is an effective immunomodulator and is recommended for the «Anti-Candida» cleansing course.
We recommend:
— Cat's Claw Extract (Buy on iHerb)

Preparation №8 - Pau D’Arco Bark

The bark of the Pau D’Arco tree is a natural antibiotic and has potent antibacterial and antiviral effects.
Lapachol, its primary active ingredient, has antibacterial effects, preventing the growth and proliferation of bacteria such as staphylococci, streptococci, fungi, and the causative agents of malaria, tuberculosis, and dysentery. The antiviral activity of Pau D’Arco bark is due to the ability of lapachol to inhibit the enzymes of viral cells that directly affect their DNA and RNA synthesis. The virus loses its ability to control the reproductive processes of the cell, so it cannot replicate and infect other cells.
Lapachol kills or slows the growth of viruses like the flu, common cold, herpes types I and II, poliomyelitis, etc. Antifungal properties are associated with the presence of xylodine in the bark, which, in combination with lapachol, suppresses the growth of most types of fungi, including vaginal ones: candida, trichophyton.
The antiparasitic action of Pau D’Arco is manifested in its ability to inhibit the reproduction and development of intracellular parasites, preventing the invasions of pathogenic protozoa, thus creating an unfavorable environment for adaptive parasites. Therefore, this tree is used in all antiparasitic programs.
Its immunomodulatory properties allow this plant to be used in allergic and autoimmune processes in the body without fear of their exacerbation. It enhances the body's resistance by strengthening the mechanisms of cellular immunity.
Pau D’Arco helps to remove heavy metals from the body. It normalizes and enhances the functions of organs such as the liver, kidneys, and spleen, helping your body strengthen the immune response.
We recommend:
— Bark of the Pau D’Arco tree (Buy on iHerb)

Preparation №9 - Neem Tree Leaves

Another good booster for fungal cleansing. A natural antibiotic. It carries out a program for disinfecting the pharynx and esophagus and is recommended for use 30 minutes before and immediately after meals. Neem has a potent antibacterial and antifungal effect. It is globally recognized as one of the best blood and skin cleansers. The only drawback is that it needs to be taken in significant amounts.
We recommend:
— Neem Tree Leaves (Buy on iHerb)

Preparation №10 - Iodine

Iodine is the only trace element directly involved in hormone synthesis. It participates in the production of the thyroid gland hormone – thyroxine, which accounts for up to 90% of the iodine consumed with food.
Thyroxine (and therefore iodine) controls body thermoregulation and enhances the intensity of metabolism: water-salt metabolism, the assimilation of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates from food. A deficiency of iodine consumed with food and water (daily norm 300 mcg) combined with inflammation and developing infectious processes leads to the production of «empty» thyroid hormones. The forced production of which is stimulated by the pituitary gland, actively producing thyrotropic hormones (TSH), because the quality of thyroid hormones does not meet the «standard».
The thyroid gland, despite a shortage of raw materials, is forced to mass-produce inactive, deficient hormones. Thus, in some cases, endemic goiter occurs (especially among residents of iodine-deficient areas), representing a kind of body's responsive reaction to attempts to forcibly make it produce what is not supported by a raw material base, i.e., iodine.
Blood passes through the thyroid gland at a speed of approximately 42 centimeters per second. If there's enough iodine, it continuously purifies the bloodstream from fungi and other live blood parasites. But if the «fuel» suddenly runs out, the bacterial load on the body immediately increases.
We recommend:
— Iodine (Buy on iHerb)

Preparation №11 - Chelated Copper

Copper is a poison for fungi and other pathogenic microbiota. It's no coincidence that in the 19th century, water pipes were made of copper, and our ancestors prepared preserves for winter without sugar and other preservatives, simply boiling products in copper vessels. Just 0.5 - 1 copper tablet a day will provide you with protection against fungal invasion. Copper significantly enhances the effectiveness of the cleansing course. The drug paralyzes the activity of fungi, halting their growth and spread until they are expelled from the body.
Circulating copper ions in the body very effectively destroy the yeast form of Candida, as well as its spores. Copper inhibits the spread of fungi in the intestines by suppressing their reproductive functions. When the environment is saturated with copper ions, the fungus simply can't take root in a new place and form a colony.
We recommend taking copper throughout the entire course of cleansing from fungi and parasites. Especially during preparation — for some people, massive fungal die-off and toxemia begin simply from taking copper. It's important to minimize weak yeast forms before starting the main «Anti-Candida» course. Remember that copper cannot destroy already formed colonies with a sturdy chitin shell but can provide effective support to the immune system in the overall fight against Candida, acting as an enhancing cleansing factor.
Attention! Copper is contraindicated for Wilson's disease!
We recommend:
— Chelated Copper (Buy on iHerb)

Preparation №12 - Amygdalin B17

Urbec (cream paste) made from fresh almonds or apricot seed kernels with Amygdalin. Amygdalin B17 is a poison for viruses and fungi. This substance is mainly present in the seeds (embryos) of fruit plants as a natural defense, protecting the fruits from fungi and parasites.
We recommend:
— Almond Urbec (Buy on Wildberries)
— Apricot Seed Urbec (Buy on Wildberries)

Preparation №13 -  Itraconazole

Itraconazole is a medicinal product with a broad-spectrum antifungal action. It is used as prescribed by a doctor, in accordance with the annotation.
The drug blocks metabolic processes in fungal cells; it increases the permeability of their cell membrane, which, by the way, enhances the action of chitin synthesis inhibitors and Candizyme. Itraconazole disrupts the growth and division of the fungal cell membrane, which, as part of the «Anti-Candida» course, leads to the guaranteed destruction of Candida and pathogenic fungi.
Attention! Take the drug as prescribed by a doctor!
We recommend:
— Itraconazole (Buy on apteka.ru)

Preparation №14 - Candynorm

Candynorm positions itself as a gel made from plant antifungal extracts for intimate hygiene. Candynorm significantly enhances the pressure on the fungus and speeds up recovery even in the most severe and systemic organ damages of the reproductive sphere. Useful for both women and men as part of the «Anti-Candida» course and diet.
The gel is made of natural ingredients.
We recommend:
— Candynorm (Buy on apteka.ru)
Next, we will discuss hepatoprotectors.

Protector #1 - Ursosan

Ursosan, or ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA). Available in pharmacies.
Ursosan significantly improves the liver's ability to cope with heavy loads, especially when the body is in a state of intoxication, and enhances bile flow (which eliminates toxins).
Ursosan detoxifies the body and allows the liver to operate at a heightened pace, even in the presence of dyskinesia of the bile ducts and gallbladder pathologies. It is particularly effective for stagnant phenomena, alleviates toxicosis, improves bile production, promotes the cleaning of bile ducts, and dissolves clots in the gallbladder with prolonged use.
During a cleansing course, the liver, as the primary filter, bears a significant load to neutralize toxic fungal decomposition products. The amount of toxins released can be so large that it may manifest as a discomfort in the right hypochondrium.
It is strongly recommended to take Ursosan for those planning their first cleansing course. Additional support is especially necessary for people with liver and gallbladder disorders, with dyskinesia of the bile ducts, stones, and especially those who have suffered from hepatitis and cirrhosis. To prevent potential exacerbations, we suggest adding the UDCA product to your diet for the entire cleansing course.
Attention! Before using this drug, it is recommended to consult with your physician!
Increased sensitivity to ursodeoxycholic acid;
Radiopaque (with a high calcium content) gallstones;
Non-functioning gallbladder;
Acute inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts; 
Liver cirrhosis in the decompensation stage; 
Severe kidney function disorders; 
Severe liver function disorders; 
Severe pancreatic function disorders.
We recommend:
— Ursosan (Buy on apteka.ru)

Protector #2 - Heptral

An extremely effective hepatoprotector. Administered intravenously. Used in the most advanced cases (severe toxemia, diffuse changes, fatty liver disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis). The most effective means for rapid liver recovery and protection.
Attention! Before using this medication, it is recommended to consult with your primary care physician!
We recommend:
— Heptral (Buy on apteka.ru)

Protector #3 - Hymecromone

Increases bile formation and accelerates its release along the bile paths. It provides selective antispasmodic effects in relation to the bile ducts and the sphincter of Oddi. Reduces bile stagnation in the gallbladder, prevents cholesterol crystallization and gallstone formation.
Highly recommended for people experiencing discomfort or pain in the right and left hypochondrium throughout the «Anti-Candida» course.
Consult a doctor before use!
We recommend:
— Hymecromone (Buy on apteka.ru)

Protector #4 - Psyllium (plantain seed husk)

Prebiotic (fiber). The husk, when in contact with water, swells five to seven times and provides an «eubiotic dinner» for beneficial microflora, while also gently cleansing the intestines from toxic bile. This is crucial as toxic fungal decay products are excreted with bile. Full-fledged nutrition for your beneficial microflora, especially during the fungal cleansing period. An excellent sorbent. Take separately from «Anti-Candida» and other enhancing supplements.
We recommend:
— Psyllium (Buy on Wildberries)

Protector #5 - Enterosgel

Another sorbent, it can be used to mitigate the consequences of «fungal die-off». The only downside is that this sorbent, despite its effectiveness, captures the active components of «Anti-Candida» and removes them from the body.
We recommend:
— Enterosgel (Buy on apteka.ru)

Protector #6 - Liquid Chlorophyll

Alleviates manifestations of toxicosis and removes toxins from the body. But unlike «Enterosgel», it acts much milder without binding to «Аnti-Candida». Recommended for people with anemia and disorders of the body's excretory systems. Taking chlorophyll concurrently with copper aids in the rapid restoration of hemoglobin levels.
We recommend:
— Liquid Chlorophyll (Buy on iHerb)

Protector #7 - Food-grade Diatomite

Diatomite is both a mineral supplement and an excellent sorbent. It consists of 80% fine-grained organic silicon, which parasites primarily consume during an infectious process.
Diatomite promotes the removal of toxic substances, strengthens blood vessels, enhancing the strength and elasticity of their walls, increases the strength of bone tissue, enhances the body's defenses against infections, and prevents premature aging. It improves overall skin appearance, reduces hair loss, accelerates hair growth, and strengthens nails.
It is recommended to take after completing the detoxification course to thoroughly cleanse the body of toxins and the effects of «Candida» die-off.
We recommend:
— Food-grade Diatomite (Buy on Wildberries)

Protector #8 - Milk Thistle Extract

Silymarin is an emergency aid and hepatoprotector for your liver. It restores damaged and destroyed liver cells—hepatocytes. Initiates the formation of new cells in the liver, has a detoxifying effect, expels toxins and metabolic products. An effective bile-stimulating agent. Improves hematopoiesis processes, beneficial for those suffering from anemia.
We recommend:
— Milk Thistle Extract (Buy on iHerb)

Protector #9 - Licorice Extract

A remedy to enhance the flow of lymph (the body's drainage system). Suitable for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Fungi, viruses, and atypical lymphocytes accumulate in stagnant lymph. Licorice helps accelerate lymph movement, which is crucial when detoxifying from fungi. It affects the restoration of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
We recommend:
— Licorice Extract (Buy on iHerb)

Protector #10 - Apple Cider Vinegar

This product has a multitude of valuable properties, ranging from stimulating immunity and restoring digestive processes to suppressing pathogenic flora—viruses and fungi.
Many people have reduced stomach acid levels, and vinegar balances it. Vinegar intake is recommended for people with reduced stomach acid. It is advisable to drink apple cider vinegar after every meal during the «Anti-Candida» course. Dilute a teaspoon of natural fermentation apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink in small sips 5-10 minutes after each meal.
We recommend:
— Apple Cider Vinegar (Buy on iHerb)

If you have any questions, please ask them in the general Anti-Candida chat:

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