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«ANTI-PARASITE» - a powerful remedy for cleansing from parasites


19 января 2021

The anti-parasitic course «ANTI-PARASITE» is a two-week intake of highly effective plant-based substances followed by a 9-day detoxification break, and then another repeated 2-week course of medication.
Each ingredient in the «ANTI-PARASITE» formula has its unique effect on parasitic organisms, as well as on their eggs. Both formulas of the remedy complement and enhance each other's action. The anti-parasitic property of «ANTI-PARASITE» fully affects the entire body: intestines, blood, and lymph.
You will be able to see for yourself that the composition of «ANTI-PARASITE» is one of the most effective in global practice. The remedy is very easy to use. You will only need to temporarily change your diet. For perfectionists who want to do everything perfectly, leaving no chance for parasites to survive, we have prepared additional recommendations in advance.
The course is recommended for independent use, or as part of the ANTI-CANDIDA protocol and diet.

Modern use of anti-parasitic remedies

From ancient times, our ancestors used homeopathic herbal collections and, in particular, the Russian triad herb to reduce the number of pathogenic microflora. The cleansing from infections and parasitic invasions always began with this herb. The presence of diseases was associated with the intrusion of foreign agents. Today, this principle remains unchanged.
The main postulate of traditional medicine still sounds like this: «any disease is the body's reaction to infection».
Following this principle, we have improved the old approach to cleansing. With the help of scientific achievements, instead of 3 herbs, we created a unique highly concentrated mixture of 20 powerful plant extracts.
According to the cleansing rules, the ingested extracts must remain in the intestine at therapeutic concentration, exerting their effects for at least two weeks. The course should be prolonged but must include a break for detoxification. Most importantly, the development took into account the life cycles of parasites. Therefore, during treatment, not just adult specimens are destroyed, but also their eggs. This is what makes the «ANTI-PARASITE» course unique.

«ANTI-PARASITE» - One of the strongest anti-parasitic complexes in the world

The plant-based anti-parasitic complex «ANTI-PARASITE» was developed in 2022 by the medical organization Body Balance Clinic. The main active ingredients of the complex and the concentration of the extracts:
Common Tansy 20:1 (20%)
Wormwood 20:1 (20%) 
Clove tree buds 20:1 (10%) 
Black walnut hulls and partitions 20:1 (10%) 
Pumpkin seeds and membranes 20:1 (10%) 
Common marjoram leaves 20:1 (10%) 
Eucalyptus leaves 20:1 (5%) 
Juniper berries 20:1 (5%) 
Grape seeds 20:1 (5%) 
Licorice root glycyrrhizinate 20:1 (5%)
Stinging nettle root 20:1 (10%) 
Turmeric root 20:1 (10%) 
Barberry root 20:1 (10%) 
Gentian root 20:1 (10%) 
Papaya seeds 20:1 (10%) 
Apricot seeds 20:1 (10%) 
Rhubarb root 15:1 (10%) 
St. John's Wort 20:1 (10%) 
Thyme leaves 20:1 (10%) 
Garlic 20:1 (10%)
The compositions are taken alternately according to the instructions. The 20:1 extract form means that 1 gram of extract corresponds to 20 grams of the original raw material from which the extract was obtained. The strength of the effect is analogous.
1 capsule contains 500 mg of highly concentrated substances. This means that 1 capsule of the «ANTI-PARASITE» remedy is equivalent to 6-8 grams of a regular mixture of the listed ingredients. Both formulas together total 160 capsules, equivalent to the intake of 960-1280 grams of active substances for the full anti-parasitic cleansing course.

The main active ingredients of the «triad» «ANTI-PARASITE»

TANSY (EXTRACT 20:1) — a broad-spectrum agent, it kills adult forms of parasites of more than 100 types, bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
CLOVE (EXTRACT 20:1) — kills bacteria, fungi, and destroys parasite larvae and eggs. An effective remedy for deworming. BITTER
WORMWOOD (EXTRACT 20:1) — a broad-spectrum antiparasitic agent. Kills microorganisms and large worms.

«ANTI-PARASITE» Intake Regimen

For 13 days, take the medications according to the following scheme:
1. In the morning, 30 minutes before eating, take 2 capsules of formula № 1 and 1 capsule of formula № 2.
2. In the evening, 30 minutes before eating, take 1 capsule of formula № 1 and 2 capsules of formula № 2.
After 13 days, take a break for 9 days and repeat the course.
The total duration of intake is 35 days.
It is recommended to undergo a preventive cleansing course once a year.
The «ANTI-PARASITE» remedy, like all pungent and strong concentrates, should be taken with caution in cases of hypertension, stomach ulcers, erosive gastritis, and ulcerative colitis of the intestine. Do not start the course at the beginning of menstruation, during pregnancy, or breastfeeding.

Dietary Rules and Restrictions for «ANTI-PARASITE» Intake

The intake of the «ANTI-PARASITE» remedy is initially included in the «Anti-Candida» fungal cleansing course with adherence to the corresponding diet and cleansing protocol.
However, if you decide to undergo the «ANTI-PARASITE» course separately from the «Anti-Candida» protocol, adhere to the following recommendations:
During the antiparasitic cleansing, consumption of any sweets, bakery products, grains, dairy, and fish products, as well as all seafood, is prohibited. These are food substrates for many types of parasites, which will hinder their decay and reduce the effectiveness of the cleansing. For more detailed information, refer to the «Anti-Candida» diet.
Limit meat products as much as possible; the best solution would be to exclude them completely. Decay processes in the intestine are a haven for many types of worms during cleansing.
Refrain from consuming alcohol. Intake of alcoholic medicinal or antiparasitic tinctures is acceptable.

Reducing toxicity during cleansing

Take the «ANTI-PARASITE» capsules in the morning and evening. It's suitable to take sorbents at lunchtime. Psyllium husk, Enterosgel, or diatomaceous earth are the best choices. Take sorbents separately from antiparasitic drugs with an interval of at least 6 hours.
In cases of acute toxicity, perform 2-3 washes using an Esmarch mug with a volume of 1.5-2 liters.
? How to do the washing?
Before washing, drink enough water to prevent dehydration. Pour warm water (body temperature) into the Esmarch mug and add 2 heaped teaspoons of salt. Saline water will not be actively absorbed by the intestines. Mix the salt well, and, while on all fours or lying on your back, pour the contents of the Esmarch mug into the intestine. If you feel discomfort while introducing the water, regulate the pressure by pinching the hose. Once the intestine is filled, wait for a few minutes for the water to thoroughly rinse its walls - roll over from side to side several times. After that, empty the intestine and repeat the procedure 1 or 2 more times.
Antiparasitic cleansing becomes toxic around the 7th day after the start of the treatment due to the decay of the worms. During the cleansing course (2 cycles of 13 days), it's advisable to perform at least 6 washes - on days 7, 9, and 13.

«One-day» Intensification

The one-day intensification is a highly recommended procedure conducted on the 9th day of the «ANTI-PARASITE» course for every 13-day cycle.
This means you treat parasites with the «ANTI-PARASITE» drug for 8 days. On the 9th day, you perform the one-day intensification, after which you continue taking «ANTI-PARASITE» until the 13th day inclusive. After a 9-day break, you repeat the 13-day course with another one-day intensification.
On this day, you should take a tincture, paste, and oil made from pumpkin seeds. 
You can purchase cleaned seeds, but they should be as fresh as possible. It's essential that they retain the green film located between the seed itself and the shell. This green film contains potent antihelminthic substances.
The paste with the tincture is prepared the day before using the following recipe:
Grind 300-400 grams of cleaned pumpkin seeds in a coffee grinder, place them in a thermos, and pour in hot water at 50 degrees Celsius. The water volume should be 2-2.5 times the volume of the seeds. Leave the thermos to steep overnight.
Additionally, on the evening of the 7th day, prepare a strong infusion of buckthorn bark and oak bark (available at pharmacies). Add half a glass of these ingredients, fill up with boiling water, and let it steep overnight. You will need about 100-200 grams of the infusion.
It's advisable for the intensification day to be on your day off. On this day, you should avoid drinking water from morning until lunch.
In the morning, drink the pumpkin tincture and consume all the ground seeds. Wash it down with the infusion of oak and buckthorn bark (remove the bark first; there's no need to swallow it). You can eat this with honey to mask the taste.
On this day, until lunch, no additional liquids should be consumed except for the ones you use to wash down the triphala capsules and seeds. Quench your thirst by eating apples, lemons, and grapefruits. The body should be in a state of slight dehydration because there will be no saving moisture in the intestine for the parasites.
After lunch, dissolve a 25-gram packet of magnesium sulfate, sweeten it with honey, and wash it down with a moderate amount of water.
Conduct the first enema using a strong decoction of wormwood and tansy. Inject 1.5 liters of room temperature decoction into the intestine. Try to retain it inside as long as possible - up to 10 minutes. After that, perform another rinse with plain water and salt to expel the intestinal contents. Once you've completed the procedures, take a sorbent and go to sleep.
Before going to sleep, make sure to restore the body's water balance by drinking plenty of water.
Parasites, weakened from the 8-day treatment, will strongly react to the pumpkin seeds. If you feel strength in your body and it responded well to the one-day intensification, repeat it in the next 13-day cycle. If your body is weak, it's better to limit yourself to one intensification for the entire «ANTI-PARASITE» course.

Why is there a pause and two 13-day courses of the «ANTI-PARASITE» drug?

«ANTI-PARASITE» is designed to have a significant antiparasitic effect. The program involves two 13-day treatments with a 9-day break. The first 13-day treatment aims to eliminate adult parasites. After which, a 9-day break is given for recovery and detoxification. Then the 13-day treatment is repeated to tackle the most resilient parasites and kill the young ones that have hatched from eggs.
During the 9-day rest period, bathing and other detoxification procedures are beneficial: abdominal massage, lymphatic drainage massage, swimming.

Recommendation from an Opinion Leader

Yuri Andreevich Frolov is a Russian biologist, ecologist, fungotherapist, and researcher. He is one of the most popular and respected bloggers in our country with an audience of over 1.5 million subscribers. We are proud to announce that our products have received positive recommendations from Yuri Andreevich, confirming the high quality and reliability of our goods that have undergone thorough reviews and tests in expert hands.
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