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Anticandida Probiotics 7 reasons to take probiotics

7 reasons to take probiotics if you have Candida issues


19 января 2021

Eliminating Candida involves meeting three essential conditions – adhering to a diet, consuming the «Anti-Candida» supplement with booster additives, and undergoing a course of beneficial probiotics.
These measures deprive the fungus of protection, necessary nutrition, prevent it from colonizing the gut, and also restore the population of beneficial bacteria. If you meet all three conditions, your body will be able to deal with the out-of-control pest.

So what role do probiotics play, and why are they so vital in overcoming the fungus?

Let's start with the fact that probiotics are simply beneficial for humans, regardless of whether they have a Candida infection or not. They aid digestion, combat inflammatory processes, support a healthy gut flora balance, and strengthen the immune system.
Whether you consume them through regular food or special supplements, it's desirable to make it a conscious habit.
There are 7 reasons why probiotics are especially crucial for people with fungal problems. Choosing a good probiotic can play a decisive role in your immune system's victory over unwanted guests. 
Let's see how probiotics can help us in fighting the fungus:

# 1: Probiotics Boost Immunity

Your immune system is a complex mechanism consisting of various organs, systems, and chemical interactions.
According to modern understandings, over 70% of a person's immune system is located in the gut.
The mucosal barrier and the cells lining your intestines are the first line of defense between your body's internal systems and external pathogens. Any pathogenic microbes in your gut, such as «Candida Albicans», must overcome several such defense systems before they can break into the sterile zone—the bloodstream.
Numerous scientific studies show that beneficial bacteria in the gut help strengthen immunity.
This partly occurs because beneficial microbiota synthesizes B and K vitamins and partly because in the micro-world, there are also «wars for living space», where human-friendly bacteria push out pathogenic strains. That is, beneficial flora helps your body combat harmful microorganisms. 
Plus, it doesn't suppress gut health like pathogenic ones do; instead, it supports and cares for it by producing specific substances that help the intestine maintain the health and integrity of its walls.
Beneficial probiotics offer protection against E. coli, reduce the frequency and duration of respiratory infections, lower the risk of genital infections, and much more.
Consuming probiotics can prevent or cure infectious diarrhea caused by disease or bacteria. One comprehensive review of 35 different studies showed that certain probiotic strains help reduce the duration of infectious diarrhea by about 25 hours. For this reason, probiotics are often recommended for those traveling in unsanitary zones or working in crowded places—with a high presence of pathogenic microorganisms, such as in hospitals.
For those suffering specifically from Candida, studies have shown that probiotics prevent the formation of Candida biofilms and push their colonies out of the intestine.
By taking the «Anti-Candida» supplement, you cleanse your body of fungi. Make sure to help it restore the number of beneficial microflora with probiotics and balance your diet.
With probiotics, you can strengthen your immunity, enhance your body's natural defense against Candida, and other infections. This is crucial for overcoming excessive fungal growth and preventing its recurrence.
This is one of the reasons why we recommend continuing probiotics intake even after the successful completion of the cleansing protocol.

# 2: Probiotics Help Maintain Proper Gut Acidity

The acidity in the human intestine should typically range from 5 to 7 on the pH scale, meaning it's slightly acidic. Compare this with your typical blood pH, which should be between 7.35 and 7.45, or slightly alkaline. The primary reason for this acidity is not food digestion but protection against harmful bacteria and food poisoning.
Gut acidity is an integral part of your immune system, acting as a barrier against pathogenic microorganisms. Why is this particularly important in terms of combating Candida?
Candida yeast can transition to its pathogenic fungal form only in an alkaline environment. (!) The fungus alkalinizes the surrounding environment to complete its transformation.
Restoring the gut to a normal, healthy acidity level helps prevent the spread of fungal pathogens, such as Candida, throughout the intestinal tract.
Beneficial bacteria in your gut produce small amounts of lactic and acetic acids. This helps maintain the proper acidity level in your intestine. However, repeated use of antibiotics can result in the gut environment becoming insufficiently acidic or even alkaline, allowing the fungus to proliferate.

# 3: Probiotics Displace Candida Yeast and Other Pathogenic Microbiota

The health of the colon boils down to a balance between good and bad bacteria. When the internal microbiome becomes imbalanced—meaning there are more harmful bacteria than beneficial ones—dysbiosis occurs.
Dysbiosis can arise due to prolonged illness, age-related pathologies, an abundance of stress, a high-carbohydrate inflammatory diet, prolonged use of certain medications including antibiotics, steroids, contraceptives, non-steroidal analgesics, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, or other external factors (environment, chlorinated water, etc.).
Adding probiotic supplements or consuming fermented products restores the population of beneficial bacteria that displace pathogenic bacteria and Candida yeast.
A healthy gut contains colonies of hundreds of different types of probiotic bacteria. These bacteria occupy most of the space and resources for themselves, leaving almost none for harmful bacteria and yeasts.
When you use probiotics to populate the intestine with beneficial bacteria, you thereby deprive the fungus of vital space and resources. This underscores the importance of regularly taking probiotics during the fight against fungal infections, especially ones like Lactobacillus Acidophilus.

# 4: Probiotics Aid in the Digestion Process and Nourishing the Body

Probiotic bacteria play a crucial role in healthy digestion, helping your body break down food.
They perform their task using a unique process called fermentation. As food passes through the intestine, bacteria operate in conjunction with digestive enzymes.
They perform their task using a unique process called fermentation. As food passes through the intestine, bacteria operate in conjunction with digestive enzymes.
Without the help of probiotics, digestion can be impaired. This leads to food passing transitively without providing all the potential essential nutrients to a person. And fermentation and gas formation processes can begin in the intestine.
An important feature of probiotics is their ability to reduce gas formation, bloating, and diarrhea. This is especially crucial when you are traveling or taking antibiotics.
Medical studies show that probiotics are associated with a reduced risk of antibiotic-related diarrhea, with one study indicating that probiotic intake reduced the occurrence of diarrhea by up to 42%.
If you suffer from Candida and have an imbalanced microbiota, nutrient absorption may be compromised. This can weaken immunity, leading to a general feeling of malaise and low energy. Adding probiotics to your diet will improve your body's ability to extract nutrients from food and potentially alleviate some of these symptoms.

# 5: Probiotics Produce Valuable Nutrients and Vitamins

The fermentation process that probiotics carry out in the large intestine not only supports digestion but also allows your body to create valuable enzymes and nutrients.
These nutrients are essential for the body's functioning. The enzymes produced as a result of fermentation help break down food (especially proteins and fats), and the nutrients include B-group vitamins, vitamin K, and short-chain fatty acids.
Without these substances, energy production in the body would be compromised. The body also relies on these nutrients for hundreds of internal processes.

# 6: Probiotics Suppress Inflammation in the Intestine

The mucosal lining of the intestine is naturally permeable to allow nutrients (from the food you eat) into your bloodstream. Beneficial bacteria, which are located on the intestinal walls, act as a protective barrier, preventing substances and pathogens, such as fungi, E. coli, chemical toxins, etc., from entering the blood.
Chronic inflammation in the intestine is associated with excessive fungal growth, pancreatic dysfunction, and partly with a decrease in the number of beneficial microflora, the growth of polyps, and an increased risk of developing colon cancer.
By maintaining the balance of microflora, you protect your intestinal lining. Probiotic bacteria produce specific substances that support and nourish the mucosa, thereby reducing inflammation levels. As these beneficial bacteria tend to the place where they reside, the likelihood of inflammatory processes decreases, and overall health improves.

# 7: Probiotics Support Mental Health

At first glance, it might seem that mental health is not connected to fungal pathologies. However, certain forms of intestinal dysbiosis, like Candida, are closely linked to poor mood and depression.
The role that probiotics play in supporting mental health is not yet fully understood. However, new data for the treatment of depression and mood disorders are extremely important.
Researchers have found a direct connection between the brain and the gut, where up to 90% of serotonin and up to 50% of dopamine are produced - provided the intestine is healthy. If not, it's no surprise that a person with dysbiosis suffers from depression. Moreover, there are studies confirming the link between dysbiosis and the onset of disorders in children such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and speech development delays. Gut dysbiosis can significantly impact neural impulses and chemicals related to your body's response to stress, anxiety, and even memory.
Supporting gut bacteria with probiotics reduces depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. Studies on the bacteria Lactobacillus Plantarum in animals showed that it can increase levels of dopamine and serotonin (happiness and joy hormones) and reduce depressive behavior.
As this research progresses in the future, more doctors will be prescribing probiotic supplements for depression treatment.
What would you prefer to take — probiotics or antidepressants?

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