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Anticandida Candida diet The «Anti-Candida» diet

The «Anti-Candida» diet against fungi and Candida


10 Апрель 2019

A diet prioritizing proteins and fats with a complete exclusion of quick carbohydrates. In combination with medication, it is extremely effective in eliminating «carbohydrate fat» from the body.

Meat Products

Choose a whole carcass or sliced pieces: breast, whole bird, thighs, wings, steaks. The meat should not be industrially processed into minced meat, sausages, patties, canned food, hot dogs, kebabs, etc. Such products usually contain sugar and chemical additives. Such inclusions are unacceptable during the «Anti-Candida» course. Pure meat ensures you're consuming a product without additives.
Also, beware of «grilled» products and all kinds of smoking. Such products might be marinated in flavoring mixtures containing sugar. You should be certain that the product doesn't contain any foreign substances.
Allowed Products:
✅ Chicken
✅ Turkey
✅ Pork
✅ Beef
✅ Duck
✅ Lamb
✅ Venison
✅ Horse meat
✅ Rabbit
✅ Bacon (strictly sugar-free)
✅ And also offal, excluding liver (like hearts, tongue). 
It's best to cook yourself. Prepared products should be chosen with caution. As a rule, they contain additives.

Fish and Seafood

As paradoxical as it may sound to many, fish is the most toxic product on the planet, even more harmful than sugar. Fish carry opisthorchiasis, fungal spores, parasites, and many harmful chemicals, heavy metals, and radioactive isotopes. Marine and oceanic fish are as dangerous as freshwater or lake fish. Fish raised on specialized farms have the highest toxic load on the body.
We do not recommend consuming fish or any other seafood, regardless of their origin, neither during the fungal cleanse course nor afterward. However, if you decide to disregard this advice and choose to eat fish, at the very least, refrain from consuming salted fish and products that have not undergone intense heat treatment and prolonged low-temperature freezing.
Technically permissible, but not recommended products:
⭕️ Salmon
⭕️ Trout
⭕️ Chum salmon
⭕️ Mackerel
⭕️ Tuna
⭕️ Sea bass
⭕️ Cod
⭕️ Pike perch 
⭕️ Herring
⭕️ Sprat 
⭕️ Capelin 
⭕️ Flounder 
⭕️ Halibut 
⭕️ Sardine 
⭕️ Hake 
⭕️ Pink salmon 
⭕️ Toothfish 
⭕️ Sturgeon 
⭕️ Blue whiting
Processed store «delicacies» like patties and smoked products are strictly prohibited.
During the «Anti-Candida» course and for two weeks afterward, all types of fungi should be excluded as they contain up to 6% chitin of their dry weight. Also, exclude products containing baker's yeast and certain seafood (shrimp, squid, mussels, crabs, crayfish, lobsters, etc.). Exotic food lovers should refrain from consuming insects.

Eggs and Caviar

Eggs are a good source of proteins and fats. However, they should be well-fried or hard-boiled to avoid the risk of catching «co-inhabitants». Caviar from oceanic fish species is technically permissible but not recommended during the «Anti-Candida» course.

Dairy Products

We strongly recommend eliminating all dairy and fermented dairy products from your diet, as they are the basis for food allergic reactions, increase sugar levels, or serve as a food substrate for fungi.
Butter with a fat content of at least 82.5% is allowed. The best option is clarified butter with a 99% fat content, which can be consumed without restrictions.
Technically, the consumption of hard and soft cheese with a fat content of 50% and up to 50 grams per day is permissible. Ideal options are Parmesan and Mascarpone.
If any allergic reactions occur, cheese should be immediately removed from the diet.

Grains and Legumes

Most of the side dishes we are accustomed to contain a lot of hidden sugar. Therefore, if you want to restore carbohydrate metabolism in your body and cleanse it of fungi, it is not recommended to consume them during the course.
The following derivatives are prohibited:
❌ Wheat 
❌ Rice 
❌ Barley 
❌ Corn 
❌ Rye 
❌ Millet 
❌ Oats 
❌ Peas
Flour and starch should not be consumed under any circumstances - they are practically pure sugar by all three indices.
Given that the diet might seem «too stric» for most people, as an exception, you can «dilute» the diet with some types of ungerminated side dishes. It's important to understand that it's generally undesirable to consume side dishes in an unsoaked and ungerminated form. It would be a big mistake to eat several plates of beans and lentils every day. Introduce these products minimally to diversify the diet.
Permitted products in soaked and germinated form:
✅ Green buckwheat 
✅ Green lentils 
✅ Soybeans 
✅ Beans 
✅ Mung beans 
✅ Chickpeas 
✅ Quinoa 
✅ Amaranth
After soaking for 5-10 hours followed by germination, these products can be lightly boiled.

Bakery Products

Any products from any flour (high-grade/first/second-class, whole grain, gluten-free, rice, buckwheat, etc.), except for coconut, are prohibited.

Vegetables and Greens

It's important to understand that when subjected to heat treatment, vegetables change their properties, and their sugar indices (glycemic, insulin, and load) can drastically increase. It's forbidden to consume those vegetables that acquire a sweetish taste after heat treatment (sautéing, boiling, steaming, pressure cooking, multi-cooking, etc.).
Prohibited items:
❌ Seaweed and algae 
❌ Potatoes 
❌ Sweet potatoes 
❌ Beetroot 
❌ Zucchini 
❌ Eggplant 
❌ Boiled carrots 
❌ Rutabaga 
❌ Turnip 
❌ Fried onion 
❌ Pumpkin 
❌ Parsnip 
❌ Artichoke
Consumption of any canned foods is also forbidden due to harmful additives they contain.
Permitted products:
✅ Sugar-free olives 
✅ Tomatoes 
✅ Cucumbers 
✅ Bell peppers 
✅ Chili peppers 
✅ Raw onions 
✅ Raw carrots 
✅ Raw Jerusalem artichoke 
✅ Radishes 
✅ Garlic 
✅ Daikon 
✅ Pattypan squash 
✅ White cabbage 
✅ Red cabbage 
✅ Fermented cabbage without sugar 
✅ Brussels sprouts 
✅ Iceberg lettuce 
✅ Kale 
✅ Cauliflower 
✅ Broccoli 
✅ Asparagus 
✅ Green beans 
✅ Celery 
✅ Horseradish 
✅ Ginger 
✅ Leek 
✅ Green onions 
✅ Dill 
✅ Parsley 
✅ Mustard 
✅ Fennel 
✅ Wild garlic 
✅ Arugula 
✅ Sorrel 
✅ Spinach 
✅ Basil 
✅ Oregano 
✅ Mint 
✅ Cilantro

Fruits and berries

For an effective course, you're allowed to consume a strictly limited list of fruits and berries. If the product you're looking for isn't on the list, it's automatically prohibited.
Permitted products:
✅ Avocado
✅ Lemon 
✅ Lime 
✅ Viburnum 
✅ Cranberry 
✅ Sea buckthorn 
✅ Blueberry
In small amounts, you can consume:
✅ Blackberry 
✅ Wild strawberry 
✅ Currant 
✅ Tart cherry 
✅ Strawberry 
✅ Raspberry 
✅ Bilberry

Nuts and seeds

You can make homemade crackers from the allowed products.
Permitted products:
✅ Coconut 
✅ Pine nuts 
✅ Chia seeds 
✅ Pumpkin seeds 
✅ Flax seeds 
✅ Sunflower seeds 
✅ Poppy seeds 
✅ Cumin seeds 
✅ Sesame seeds
Permitted types of flour:
✅ Coconut 
✅ Flaxseed 
✅ Almond 
✅ Pumpkin seed 
✅ Psyllium husk
Almonds and apricot pits, as well as pastes made from them, are recommended for consumption due to their high content of amygdalin B17 - an effective antitumor and antifungal vitamin.
Ensure that any nuts and seeds you consume are fresh. Yellowed or rancid fruits are in the initial stages of fungal contamination and are dangerous to eat.
Prohibited due to mold risk:
❌ Walnuts 
❌ Peanuts 
❌ Hazelnuts 
❌ Filberts 
❌ Pistachios
Prohibited due to sugar content: 
❌ Brazil nuts 
❌ Macadamia nuts 
❌ Chestnuts 
❌ Cashews 
❌ Pecans

Oils, sauces, and additives

All kinds of sauces, mayonnaises, ketchups, mustards, adjika, etc., are prohibited if they contain sugar or sweeteners. It's best to prepare additives at home. Be vigilant when choosing products in the store; many manufacturers deliberately mask and do not indicate the presence of sugar in products.
Permitted unrefined and cold-pressed vegetable oils:
✅ Olive oil 
✅ Sunflower oil 
✅ Pumpkin seed oil 
✅ Coconut oil 
✅ Oregano oil 
✅ Ghee 
✅ Hemp oil 
✅ Black seed oil 
✅ Amaranth oil 
✅ Milk thistle oil, etc.
Also allowed are:
✅ Tabasco 
✅ Natural apple cider vinegar with the mother

Drinks and tea additives

Consumption of coffee, sodas, carbonated drinks, energy drinks, wine, beer, liqueurs, rum, and other SWEET alcohols is prohibited. Freshly squeezed and packaged juices, sweet carbonated drinks should also be avoided.
Permitted products:
✅ Chicory 
✅ Vodka 
✅ NON-SWEET medicinal tinctures 
✅ Juices from permitted vegetables 
✅ Smoothies from permitted vegetables 
✅ Herbal teas and blends (preference should be given to cholagogue collections, as well as herbs like: loosestrife and wolf's-foot clubmoss)
Sugar in any form, store-bought honey, fructose, and other sweeteners (except for stevia and erythritol) are not allowed.

Sugar substitutes

It's acceptable to use sweeteners in small amounts:
✅ Erythritol (without other additives)
✅ Stevia (without other additives)

Make your choice

The ideal «Anti-Candida» course involves refraining from using sugar substitutes. Even the safest ones, such as stevia and erythritol. The ideal hypoallergenic program involves giving up all dairy products and minimizing the consumption of side dishes.
However, following a more lenient version of the program does not diminish its effectiveness.
When starting the course, make a choice:

? Remove all sweeteners (as well as cheese, seafood, and side dishes from the menu);
✔️ Keep stevia and/or erythritol, seafood, cheese, and side dishes on the menu.
On the «Anti-Candida» course, it is possible to use sugar substitutes. Stevia and erythritol do not raise blood sugar levels and, therefore, should not trigger an insulin response. If you wish to use sweeteners, only do so in small amounts to ensure the product is not overly sweet, but just slightly sweetened for taste. You can use pure stevia without additives or single-component erythritol, for example, from the Fit-Parad range. If you choose erythritol, it should be the only ingredient. No other sweeteners, honey, sugar, or maple syrup should be present.
Our goal is to maintain a low insulin level throughout the course. Yes, stevia and erythritol have a low glycemic index and are safe sweeteners, but as soon as your receptors detect sweetness, the body may reflexively raise insulin levels based on its receptor experience and the sensation of sweetness in the mouth to assimilate glucose. However, since no glucose enters the body, blood sugar doesn't rise, the body is deceived, but insulin has been released and remains at a high level. This causes the actual glucose level in the body to drop, intensifying hunger, meaning you will eat more. Moreover, this puts a strain on the pancreas, depleting its resources. Besides these risks, sugar substitutes can affect the function of your intestines as irritants and laxatives. If you want to restore your body, you will have to exclude sugar substitutes and potential allergens 100% completely.

If you have any questions, please ask them in the general Anti-Candida chat:

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