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Fungal Infection - 5 Stages of Candida Infestation and Accompanying Symptoms


19 января 2021

If fungi are present in your body, this article will help you identify your stage of Candida infestation.
The stages are conditional - we provide a tentative division into 5 stages based on the degree of fungi presence in the body, based on the experience of clients who have undergone our course.
For convenience, below is a list of symptoms by the degree of fungal infection development from the initial to the final stage of infestation:
Stage 1 
Initial infection symptoms: bad breath, unpleasant body odor, increased craving for sugar and flour products, skin rashes, gas formation, frequent colds, initial signs of decreased immunity, sweating, painful PMS, urinary tract infections, occasional headaches.
Stage 2
Second stage symptoms: sudden weight gain or significant weight loss, ENT infections, joint pain, arthritis, food and other allergies, histaminosis, GERD, non-localized migraines, outbursts of anger/irritability, strong cravings for sweets and alcohol, depression, urinary and urinary tract diseases, endometriosis, bladder infections.
Stage 3
Issues typically arising at the third stage include noticeable nervous system disturbances and psycho-emotional disturbances: depressive mood, fatigue, lack of enthusiasm, forgetfulness, congenital difficulties with concentration, sudden bouts of energy loss, inability to read and assimilate information, sclerosis, muscle twitching, irritable bowel syndrome, hypoglycemia, thyroid problems, infertility.
Stage 4
In the fourth stage, there may be problems in the endocrine system, including the adrenal glands. Constipation, muscle weakness, loss of strength, and osteoporosis may also occur.
Stage 5
People who reach the fifth stage face major problems in all organs and systems – the entire body is under attack, or there's a major infectious focus. This stage of the infection process is life-threatening.

Detailed Overview of the 5 Stages of Infestation:

To determine which stage you are at, please check all the symptoms listed below:
Stage 1
Initial stage of primary Candida fungi overgrowth.
Unpleasant breath (initial signs of intoxication);
Impaired liver detoxification capability;
Increased cravings for sugar, flour, and/or alcohol;
Gas formation, heartburn, abdominal bloating;
Incontinence, mood swings;
Depression and irritability;
Food allergies, sensitivity to chemicals, dust, etc;
Skin rashes - hives, eczema, acne, skin pigmentation;
Active staphylococcal and streptococcal infections;
Fear of drafts, air conditioners, cold weather;
Frequent cold symptoms, sore throat;
Recurrent bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis;
Excessive dandruff;
Painful PMS;
Vaginal fungal infection;
Thrush, cottage cheese-like discharge from the genitals;
Sleep problems, insomnia.
Stage 2
Stage of chronic infection and immune response, the fungus intensively proliferates in the human body.
Foul-smelling sweat, oily skin (pronounced toxemia);
Dysfunction of the gallbladder and bile quality;
Scalp problems, inflammations, flaking;
Brittle hair and increased hair loss;
ENT infections, ear infections, flaking, inflammations;
Deformed nail plates;
Significant weight loss or gain;
Self-control issues, outbursts of anger, rage;
Dizziness, blood pressure changes;
Vestibular apparatus instability, «sways» of the body;
Constant joint pain/difficulty in joint mobility;
Non-localized headaches, feeling of pressure in the head;
Fibromyalgia / inflammation and muscle pain;
Constant state of fatigue, lack of strength;
Mucus production, excessive mucus in the pharynx;
Shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing;
Rosacea, hives, eczema;
Gastroesophageal reflux, belching up stomach acid;
Numbness of the limbs;
Low hemoglobin, signs of anemia;
Chronic infectious process and unpleasant odor from the genitals;
Enuresis, bladder incontinence.
Stage 3
Stage of intoxication and autophagy, the immune system destroys its own cells damaged by fungal infection. Autoimmune processes.
Excess weight around the abdomen and thighs, pear-type obesity;
Visual aging, sagging, and changing body shape;
Irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pain;
Hypothyroidism, other thyroid diseases;
Diffuse changes in internal organs;
Ischemic diseases of internal organs;
Persistent unusual body odor;
Bladder infections;
Polycystic ovary syndrome;
Endometriosis (chronic pelvic pain);
Infertility, inability to conceive a child;
Collagen production impairment, muscle dystrophy;
Metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, type 1 and type 2 diabetes;
Hypoglycemic episodes;
Forgetfulness, memory disturbances;
Phobias, anxiety attacks;
Inability to focus;
«Brain fog», forgetting words;
Frequent emotional mood swings;
Psoriasis, dermatitis, intensified skin lesions;
Asthmatic manifestations and attacks, lung infection;
Tingling sensations, limb «pins and needles»;
Epileptic seizures (with parasitic brain invasion);
High risk-taking propensity (with parasitic brain invasion);
Chronic discharges in the genital organs.
Stage 4 
The body is infected with fungi, excretory organs are overloaded with toxins, and resources are barely sufficient to contain further infection growth.
General immunodeficiency syndrome;
Endocrine system malfunction;
Wear and insufficiency of the adrenal glands;
High bacterial load on the body;
Hypercorticism (high levels of cortisol and aldosterone);
Overall mental and physical weakness, powerlessness;
Osteoporosis, spinal fusion, calcification, bone spurs;
Deep lesions of the musculoskeletal system, enlarged joints;
Dermatitis and psoriasis covering large skin areas;
Psycho-emotional burnout;
Suicidal tendencies, schizophrenia;
Propensity for violence, depression, aggression;
Lack of self-restraint, recklessness;
Loss of previously possessed skills;
Memory gaps, «fish memory»;
Loss of interest in life.
Stage 5
The body is overtaken by infection and overloaded with toxins from its activity. A life-threatening stage of infection.
Immune system degradation, paralysis of immune function, immunological tolerance;
Various lesions and destruction of internal organs;
Foreign formations in the body, neoplasms;
Chronic toxemia.

If you have questions, please ask them in the general Anti-Candida chat:

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