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Anticandida Candida protocol Chitin synthesis inhibitor

Chitin Synthesis Inhibitor – Evolution in Treating Candida Fungus


19 января 2021

The Chitin Synthesis Inhibitor is a substance derived from plant components that halts the growth of the protective chitin layer in fungal biofilms. As a result of the fungi losing their protective mechanisms, the body finds it much easier to eliminate these parasites.
Since 2022, the drug «ANTI-CANDIDA» incorporates a blend of 5 different inhibitors, both of plant and synthetic origin, which have various modes of action and, in combination, enhance each other's effects.
Inhibitors affect all organisms that contain chitin. These include almost all types of fungi, some helminths, parasites, insects, as well as certain marine creatures such as crabs, lobsters, turtles, etc. Chitin protects microorganisms from external influences, including human immunity.
White blood cells cannot efficiently phagocytose a fungus cell protected by a chitin coat; therefore, in most cases, the fungus grows and thrives in the human body.
Inhibitors interfere with chitin regulation in fungus cells, preventing them from reproducing it.
For this reason, fungi, during their life cycle, degrade, losing the ability to protect their cells with protective layers, leading to their death.

What does chitin look like under a microscope?

Candida Albicans under the microscope. 2000x magnification. Do you see the light membrane surrounding the fungus? The tiny dark specks in the membrane are chitin inclusions.

Is a fungus with a chitin biofilm truly invincible?

Chitinous forms of fungi can survive without oxygen, even in the entirely airless space of the cosmos; they can live in the ocean depths, in an environment with immense atmospheric pressure; fungi are unaffected by heat or cold; they remain stable in almost all aggressive environments, including acidic and alkaline ones; some forms of fungi even survive in an autoclave during sterilization. Our immune system struggles to fight the mature form of Candida since it cannot overcome the chitin barrier.
The photo depicts the causative agent of candidiasis Candida tropicalis, common abroad.
Application of chitin synthesis inhibitors in livestock:
Medical studies in the field of animal husbandry suggest a low probability of curing an infected individual.
If an animal eats moldy grain and gets infected, it is not treated but simply slaughtered because meat contaminated with fungal spores and other microscopic pathogens becomes unfit for consumption.
Sometimes, extraordinary cases occur in enterprises, and to combat the infection, animals have to be slaughtered en masse. Reducing the livestock is economically unfavorable, which is why entrepreneurs seek ways to minimize their expenses. However, until now, no effective solution to the problem was found. 
We offer an innovative method of purifying the body from fungi using the «Anti-Candida» drug and a unique purification protocol.
Reduction in Candida immunoglobulin levels after completing the antifungal cleansing course. «Mobilized» immunoglobulins continue to circulate in the bloodstream for an extended period even after the complete elimination of fungi, but their numbers decrease significantly.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Anti-Candida course

What is the essence of the innovation?
The «Anti-Candida» drug inhibits and destroys chitin in fungal cell walls – their protective «exoskeleton». The fungus's resistance to external influences will be significantly reduced. This will help the immune system clear the body of all pathogenic forms of fungi that have taken root in it for various reasons. Only after the drug destroys the protective layer of chitin, your immune system will be able to neutralize fungal colonies.
Does «Anti-Candida» with chitin synthesis inhibitors kill fungi?
The chitin synthesis inhibitor does not kill the fungus. However, it makes it much more vulnerable to your immune system. After using «Anti-Candida», the fungus loses its ability to reproduce the chitin cover, and immune cells can finally neutralize fungal colonies. The cleansing principle is to leave the fungus defenseless.
Can the fungus resist the action of inhibitors in «Anti-Candida»?
No. Fungi have no chance to develop immunity against the inhibitor.
Does the drug affect other types of fungi or just Candida?
Almost all pathogenic types of fungi in their adult form have chitin as part of their cell wall. The drug affects them equally – it stops chitin production, after which the fungus loses its protection, and the immune system suppresses it.

Does «Anti-Candida» affect other parasites?

Yes, and it's a pleasant bonus. The drug acts on all types of organisms containing chitin. These include some helminths and their eggs, for which this biopolymer is responsible for their physical structure.
In recent years, veterinary clinics in Russia and abroad have been actively administering inhibitors to domestic animals as an anthelmintic.
In veterinary medicine, large doses are used, so the inhibitors have a shocking effect and destroy parasites and their eggs. On the day of the drug administration, animals may regurgitate or excrete parasites and their decay products.
It's also worth noting that recently the areas of application of inhibitors in the food industry are expanding:
On fish farms, chitin synthesis inhibitors are also used as an antiparasitic agent. It should be noted that this action significantly increases the percentage of healthy fish.
Our cleansing course is designed for the human body; the drug gently suppresses the chitin systems of parasites, which gradually leads to their death and elimination from the body.

Are there risks associated with taking the medication?

«Anti-Candida» has been on the market since 2019. There have been two successful trials of the drug, including in controlled groups with a placebo, and hundreds of people who have successfully completed the cleansing course.
In 2019, a precedent was set: for the first time, supplements with chitin synthesis inhibitors were classified as food products for humans. For several months, the composition was examined for toxicity by specialists from certification agencies, after which the appropriate permission and a certificate with an ecological quality standard for production were obtained.
This indicates that «Anti-Candida» in the specified dosages is a safe antifungal medication for the human body.
And since chitin is not found in the human body, the use of «Anti-Candida» will not cause any malfunctions or disruptions. The effect targets only fungi and parasites.

How can you tell if «Anti-Candida» is working?

Taking the medication can cause massive die-off of fungi and other parasites, leading the person to experience symptoms of intoxication. This is the temporary «die-off reaction» to the fungus.
The degree of intoxication usually corresponds to the level of infection:
If a patient is heavily infected - the reaction can be pronounced. In the absence of infection - there will be no reaction.
As your body destroys the fungi, toxins from the dead parasites enter the body. This condition can be quite unpleasant, but it's necessary to endure it.
During this period, it's recommended to support yourself with various detox products, drink green smoothies, consume more vegetables and fiber in your diet. In case of pronounced toxemia, adsorbents should be used.
You can familiarize yourself with cleansing protocols and recommended support programs on our website.

If you have any questions, please ask them in the general Anti-Candida chat:

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