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Anticandida Blog and reviews How to boost immunity

How to boost immunity or 2 ways to quickly get back on your feet


19 января 2021

When I was a child, I got sick very often. On average, I suffered from colds once a quarter. A cold was always accompanied by a headache, a sore throat, and a runny nose. That terrible state when you don't feel like doing anything, when you feel weak and listless, usually lasts more than a week. The recovery always takes a long time. It's as if the body doesn't want to get better. Sometimes the fever spikes.
Of course, a cold greatly affects productivity. Planned tasks are pushed to the background, desires seem to dissolve and temporarily cease to exist. It's envious to watch healthy people walking on the street. Strange thoughts come to mind: «how good it is to be healthy».
At some age, everyone probably comes to understand that we need to address illnesses differently. Working at a fast pace, one cannot afford to waste time being sick. A lot depends on one's personal health.
In this article, we will tell you about three golden rules that will help you avoid catching colds and getting sick in general.

What is a cold?

Let's start with the basics.
What exactly is a cold and why does it occur? We will try to answer this question in simple terms.
A cold (from the word «to cool down») is the body's overcooling and a decrease in the average body temperature by more than one degree, which, in the literal sense of the word, deactivates the immune system and significantly reduces the body's overall resistance.
At the same time, pathogenic microflora consisting of unicellular and multicellular microorganisms, which live in permissible amounts in every person and are kept in check by the immune system, begin to multiply uncontrollably, doubling their population for every half-hour of overcooling.
The subsequent cleansing of the body from hordes of microbes causes toxemia (the decay and release of toxins from killed microbes into your bloodstream) — this is the state of a cold, characterized by fatigue, exhaustion, headache, and toxicosis (a state of poisoning).

The Body Temperature Rises - The Immune System is Working

It turns out that our immune system operates effectively only when there is a sufficient body temperature. If it drops sharply, the immune system weakens. At the average body temperature (when a person is healthy), the immune system works normally. But when the temperature rises, there is an active mobilization of the body and production of antibodies.
Remember — if you fall ill and your temperature rises, it means your immune system has kicked into gear and is actively generating white blood cells (leukocytes) — your internal defenders that destroy foreign microorganisms.
Therefore, I personally recommend reducing the temperature only if it exceeds 40 degrees Celsius.

Such Varied Reactions to Colds

For people who are accustomed to cold, their immune system is adapted to body cooling. «Walruses» or people with particularly good health can spend hours in freezing wind, and their body will resist the multiplication of pathogenic microflora. Yet another might get sick just from a slight draft in the summer.
Acclimatization to the cold is very important. If you acclimatize your body to the cold with regular hardening or «walrus» practices, then your immune system will learn to work even at low temperatures. But if you've always been warmth-loving and are unfamiliar with hardening practices, any overcooling will assuredly «paralyze» your immune system for a while with subsequent complications.
Now think of those caring parents who, from an early age, dress their little children «like cabbages» — in layers of warm clothes, as soon as the temperature outside drops. By doing this, they foster a habit of warmth and incorrect mechanisms of the immune system's functioning. Such a child is much more likely to catch a cold and fall ill if suddenly overcooled.

Always Stay Ahead When You Have a Cold

Many people have the bad habit of starting treatment when the illness is already in full swing. Typically, if by evening the first symptoms appear – a mild fever and a tickling sensation in the throat – most people just go to sleep, hoping that by morning «everything will go away on its own». Indeed, sometimes this works, roughly 50-50. But the risk of the cold fully developing is still too high.
So, the first and most crucial recommendation is to learn to detect the early symptoms of a cold and act immediately:
1. Mild sneezing, stuffy nose;
2. You start to «feel» your throat and nose; 
3. Mucous inflammation (redness in the throat, even if symptomless);
4. There's a tickling and dryness in the throat, as if something is scratching, a forced cough; 
5. A slight change in the tone of your voice; 
6. You feel that your body temperature has increased; 
7. There's a sensation of pressure and slight fatigue (burning, heat, tearfulness) in the eyes; 
8. Runny nose, you start to sneeze; 
9. You can't get warm and feel generally beaten due to severe overcooling of the legs, arms, neck, chest, or other body parts.

What to do if you catch a cold? How can you quickly stimulate the immune system?

Firstly, on that day, try not to eat products containing obvious and hidden sugars. Sugar is the favorite food of pathogenic microflora, which proliferates uncontrollably from it. You definitely shouldn't eat cake in the evening or drink tea with chocolate if you want to wake up healthy tomorrow. The ideal option would be to immediately switch to the «Anti-Candida» diet to exclude allergenic foods and minimize risks.
Secondly, if you felt a slight malaise in the evening and 100% want to wake up healthy tomorrow, avoid sexual activity that day and even just being aroused. The secretion of sex hormones and the population of pathogenic microorganisms increased several times due to overcooling is a lethal combination. These organisms will proliferate even faster from your hormones, making you feel even worse.
Thirdly, warm your body in a hot shower, or take a bath.
If you do everything the opposite, you'll wake up sick the next morning.
Next, we'll look at magical remedies that will help you recover quickly. In essence, this article was written because of them.

Cold Remedy №1 - Ginger Juice

Squeeze 100 grams of ginger juice and dilute it with boiling water at a ratio of 1:5. Drink slowly, in small sips. Chances are you've never had such a strong and spicy drink in your life. But this is exactly how you should consume it!
Ginger is a natural immune booster that activates the immune system and significantly increases the activity of phagocytes (immune cells). Moreover, this drink warms the body from the inside in a way that is far superior to any bath or shower.
If you don't have a juicer on hand, you can make tea:
Peel and finely chop 100-150 grams of ginger. Place the ginger in a 500 ml double-walled glass (it retains heat longer than a regular one) or a thermos. Pour over with boiling water, close, and let it steep for one hour. Drink in small sips.
Depending on the severity of your evening symptoms, drink up to three 500 ml glasses. You can brew an entire teapot or a large thermos. The dosage is as follows: 100-150 grams of ginger for 500 ml of boiling water.
If you don't have an hour to brew, you can grate the ginger root finely and pour over with boiling water. After 5-10 minutes, drink the infusion.
You can also make a «strategic» stock for the winter to counteract the initial symptoms of a cold for you or your loved ones. Take a 200-500 ml glass bottle with an airtight lid and squeeze the juice from a large ginger root using a juicer. This juice can then be quickly diluted with boiling water. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, it can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, but don't keep it for more than a month.

Cold Remedy №2 — Garlic Flush

If you feel that you are 100% likely to fall ill tomorrow and your evening symptoms are very pronounced, in addition to all the other recommendations and ginger juice, try this amazing method. The garlic flush is the most effective remedy for rapid recovery from any form of cold and even the flu. The author has used it multiple times, and it has come to the rescue, even when there was absolute certainty that the illness would knock them down for a long time. But no, every morning they woke up healthy! Try this method to see its effectiveness for yourself.
The key is to act timely as described in this article and respond quickly to symptoms, using the recommendations on the same evening, not the next day.
If you missed, forgot, or were late in following the recommendations, still use the provided methods. Just if the disease has progressed, you'll need to apply them for two or three consecutive evenings. As a result, the duration of the illness will be greatly reduced.

Garlic Flush Recipe

Take a whole head of garlic. It is preferable for the garlic to be fresh, juicy, firm, with strong essences - not soft, not stale, and not dried out. Small garlic with a greenish tint is usually Chinese, laden with pesticides and isn't very good to use. Of course, you can use it, but it's weak. But the large white one (which can be found in some supermarkets and markets) is grown in Ukraine and Belarus. For some reason, it is not produced on an industrial scale in Russia and is imported from other countries.
Peel the garlic and cut it into small cubes (a millimeter by a millimeter). Spread it out evenly on a paper towel and let it air for an hour. Buy packaged tomato juice without sugar from the store. It should have a coating effect, not too liquid. This is important.
Observe safety rules: Do not eat garlic without letting it air, and do not wash it down with regular water, or you'll burn your insides!
Take a teaspoon and place the garlic cubes in it. Swallow, washing it down with tomato juice. This will take just a minute of your time and one large glass of tomato juice.
Consume the garlic no earlier than an hour after eating so that your stomach is relatively empty. If you've had a substantial meal (which is generally not recommended if you're feeling off that evening), take the garlic 2 hours post-meal.
After this, try not to eat and go to sleep. You may sweat more than usual during the night. By morning, your body and gastrointestinal tract will be infused and smell of garlic. The population of pathogenic microflora, which primarily resides in the small and large intestines, will be significantly reduced. Many people wake up feeling very energetic and unexpectedly healthy in the morning. It's a pleasant sensation to go to bed fearing «what will tomorrow bring?» and then waking up feeling completely healthy.
If you have ulcers in the stomach or duodenum or frequent exacerbations of gastritis, take garlic with caution and drink more tomato juice. Even if you're late and take the garlic on the second day when the illness has already progressed, you'll still notice an improvement in your condition. The disease's progression will slow down by at least 50%. Consume the garlic for an additional 1-2 consecutive evenings (and up to 5 times for severe flu), and you'll recover much faster than usual.
The key is to always stay ahead. That's the secret to good health. Sooner or later, you'll learn to sense your body, understand its needs, and stop getting sick altogether. But it's also essential to understand the nature of illness. The parasitic nature of colds and other diseases might be a revelation for many, but the human body is a host to many microorganisms. Our task is to control their diversity and number, which will be discussed further in other articles on this website.

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