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Anticandida Candida Albicans What is Candida Albicans?

What is Candida fungus? All about the fungus and candidiasis | Candida Albicans


08 Октябрь 2023

Do you often feel tired?
Do you have a high craving for sugar and flour products?
Frequent bloating, skin rashes, and allergic reactions?
Unpleasant discharges and body odors?
Based on a large amount of material on fungal infections and «Candida Albicans», we would like to tell you in simple terms about what these diseases are, how to get rid of them, what symptoms arise, and the dangers of not receiving adequate treatment.

What is the Candida fungus?

Candida fungus is the most common and most pathogenic type of fungus. Typically, by Candida, one refers to a chronic fungal infection, causing the disease - candidiasis.
Candida yeast under a microscope.
It's worth mentioning that in 90% of cases with systemic candidiasis, besides Candida, there are other strains of fungi present in the human body. Some of the most common are mucor and aspergillus. However, since Candida is the most pathogenic and parasitic strain of fungus, which can cause multi-fungal infections, for the convenience of your understanding, we will refer to Candida in the future.
According to the WHO, more than half of the Earth's population are carriers of Candida fungi, while a fifth suffer from the toxic manifestations of the infectious process.
Systemic toxemia, caused by unchecked fungal growth, leads to a range of unpleasant symptoms, from skin problems to headaches. Many people, unfamiliar with microbiology, aren't even aware that diseases and symptoms can be caused specifically by fungal infections.

An overgrowth of fungi paves the way for symptoms

Fungi are present in the normal intestinal microflora of every person in small amounts. However, under the influence of various factors (weakened immunity, psychological stress, surgeries, irrational nutrition), they can rapidly multiply.
Health problems arise when fungi start to multiply and their numbers exceed all acceptable norms. They aggressively suppress beneficial microbiota, deform the intestinal walls, and enter the bloodstream, reaching pure sterile areas of the body where they should not be at all. Once in the blood, fungi begin to consume iron, reducing the concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes and lowering the overall iron level, which leads to anemia.
Impaired gas exchange, hypoxia, high bacterial load, toxemia, and a suppressed ability of the body to fully absorb nutrients have a very negative impact on a person's overall tone and life energy reserve.
Since fungi, especially Candida, produce a vast amount of toxins – byproducts of their metabolism, this can further exacerbate existing symptoms.
It's specifically fungal infections or candidiasis that, when proliferating and filling the human body, cause a whole range of symptoms and become the cause of many diseases in the human body, which often remain undiagnosed or are ignored when diagnosing.

A fungal infection doesn't just appear out of nowhere

The main reasons for the rapid growth of fungi are eight primary factors:
Immobility, a sedentary lifestyle;
Impairment of the liver's detoxification function;
Systemic malfunction of the gallbladder;
Sexual contact with an infected person;
Diet high in fast carbohydrates;
Taking antibiotics without diet adjustment;
«Inherited» transmission, prenatal infection;
Decreased immunity (colds, diseases, stresses, etc.).
The main reason for the uncontrolled multiplication of Candida in the body is frequent use of antibiotics – for example, in the treatment of bacterial or viral diseases, as well as for prevention.
According to a study funded by the UK government, by 2050, 10 million people worldwide could die from bacterial infections. Resistant microorganisms might then overshadow even cancer, which is expected to claim 8 million lives that same year. Today, the number of patients dying from infections resistant to known treatments is estimated at 700,000 annually. This figure includes not only fungal infections but other bacterial infections as well, yet the numbers are still staggering.

The Yeast and «Chitinous» form of Candida

Once Candida enters the human body, it goes through several evolutionary stages, hence several of its distinct forms exist:
Young yeast form of the fungus.
It's weak, vulnerable, and almost harmless; thus, the immune system can easily suppress it on its own.
Mature chitinous form of the fungus.
This is a more robust fungus, its cell wall containing a protective biopolymer – chitin.
The chitinous form of Candida – a colony growth of fungi.
Both forms are equally detectable by tests, but the difference in harm they cause to the human body is vast. The above image shows the growth of the chitinous form of Candida and the fungus's transformation into a powerful colony.

What is chitin?

Chitin is a robust biopolymer present in some living organisms, serving a protective function in the cell walls of fungi. A fully-formed chitinous cell wall makes the fungus extremely well-protected. Chitin significantly enhances the natural resistance and vitality of fungi, even under the most aggressive environmental fluctuations.
Just imagine your body waging war against myriad rapidly multiplying fungi, some of which have a robust protective capsule that leukocytes overcome with significant time and energy costs. Add to this the factor of weakened immunity, and you'll understand why it's so hard to get rid of Candida! 
Chitin not only protects Candida from your immune system but also diminishes its effectiveness in fighting other infections! Since chitinous colonies draw huge immunity resources, immunological tolerance (indifference) may arise, also known as immune weakness.
An example for better reader comprehension:
Recent studies published in medical research online journals show how chitin actually helps Candida become stronger and more resilient:
«Chitin is an integral part of the carbohydrate skeleton of the fungal cell wall and represents a molecule that is not present in humans and other vertebrates»
1. In the absence of stress, complex regulatory mechanisms allow chitin to be chaotically scattered in beta-glucan. Under stress conditions on the cells, the protective biological function of chitin is mobilized, leading to increased fungal resistance.
2. Scientific research shows that chitin plays a crucial role in weakening immune responses in living organisms to fungi and other parasitic life forms.
National Center for Biotechnology Information:

Chitin increases fungal resistance

Thanks to the chitin content in its cell wall, the chitinous form of Candida is much more resilient, giving it an advantage over other microorganisms. The fungus survives in various temperatures, in aerobic and anaerobic environments, in different pH levels.
That's why it's incredibly challenging to rid the body of a fungus that has already proliferated. In conventional practice, considering factors like weakened immunity, impaired liver and gallbladder functions, it often remains impossible.
Candida Albicans under a microscope. Can you see the light membrane surrounding the fungus? The granularity in the membrane is chitin deposits.

Symptoms of fungal infections

An overgrown fungus suppresses immunity and poisons the body with its metabolic products, causing psychological issues such as lack of energy, «brain fog», neurosis, emptiness, laziness, unwillingness to do anything, sleepiness, and lack of initiative.
External manifestations of fungi include infections of the scalp and body skin. Dandruff, scaling, redness, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, mycosis, psoriasis, and eczema are caused by parasitic infections of various fungal strains against a backdrop of impaired liver function. Infections of the foot skin, such as cracks and thickening of the epidermis, and nail plates, such as thickening, yellowing, and deformation, are particularly indicative.
An excess of fungus disrupts the function of internal organs and body systems, and in severe cases, paralyzes them.
Candidiasis often affects the reproductive system, resulting in specific discharges, itching, a «rotten fish» smell, and even pain during urination and intercourse. Such a condition is commonly called «thrush». Thrush, genital tract infections, urinary tract diseases, infertility are all diseases caused by fungi, mainly Candida.
Chronic fungal infection, especially in tandem with trichomoniasis, can lead to the clogging, partial blockage, and impaired blood flow in the pelvic vessels. As a result of oxygen deprivation and compromised microcirculation, sexual function can be impaired, sexual desire (libido) reduced, the production of sex hormones undermined, and the situation can worsen up to the development of impotence and infertility.
When the disease progresses, the excretory systems are always affected: primarily the liver, then the kidneys, mucous membranes, respiratory tract, and skin. The consequences can vary widely: from rashes and breathing difficulties to gastrointestinal disturbances (bloating, malabsorption, reduced enzyme production, irritable («leaky») bowel syndrome, cholecystitis, GERD, erosions, ulcers, extreme weight loss or obesity, etc.).
Chronic candidiasis leads to toxemia and the body being flooded with by-products of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, causing wear and tear on the joints. Due to a deficiency of minerals, «swellings» (delaminations) and osteoporosis of bones and joints can occur.
The liver suffers due to the activities of fungi and other microbes, and low-density lipoproteins accumulate on the walls of blood vessels. The narrowing and clogging of vessels result in fundamental changes in hemoarchitecture, which, combined with toxemia, can cause varicose vein expansion as a protective response. Plaques and impurities circulating in the blood increase the risks of thrombosis, placing a burden on the entire cardiovascular system. Ultimately, this can lead to a stroke or heart attack.
Traditional treatment does not focus on the microbiological infection of the body:
A person starts seeing different doctors to address their symptoms and understand their ailment:
«Skin rash - see a dermatologist, thrush - a gynecologist, brain fog - a neurologist, digestive disturbances - a gastroenterologist, etc.» 
As a result, they accumulate a plethora of symptoms that do not match any particular disease. Specialists, typically, provide different diagnoses because they approach the problem from a narrow perspective (within their expertise). Consequently, misdiagnoses often lead to incorrect and ineffective treatment.
In the end, a person accumulates illnesses that they can't cure for years. Diseases progress, and the number of symptoms increases.
Meanwhile, most health problems arise from microbiological infection and disruption of the body's internal ecology. The infection grows and uses the human body as a feeding base.
Sensing the issue, people either consult doctors or self-medicate with large doses of vitamins, dietary supplements, and additives.
But have you ever considered that the real reason for low hemoglobin isn't that a person hasn't taken enough supplements (interestingly, «supplement mania», like fungal infections, has swept many countries), but rather because their body is acting as a «donor» and is being drained of hemoglobin?

Are you sure your complaints have a psychosomatic origin?

How many patients have doctors prescribed antidepressants to or even referred to a psychiatrist, saying their problems are «imagined» and they «obviously» have a psychosomatic origin?
And people suffer from symptoms for a long time, while specialists claim there's no foundation for their complaints, deeming them «imaginary». Since parasitology is a gray area in medicine, it's quite possible that your doctor simply doesn't know – hence doesn't tell you that the disruption of the body's internal ecology might be the cause of most of your ailments.

Cleansing from fungi with the Anti-Candida program

The ANTI-CANDIDA system for cleansing the body of parasites and fungi includes a proper dietary protocol, following simple healthy lifestyle rules, and taking inhibitors in cases of deep infection. The approach is holistic, effective, and safe, and the solution to health issues lies in a different, new perspective on understanding.
The drug «Anti-Candida» naturally destroys the protective shell of fungi, greatly reducing their viability and resistance to external influences. As a result, fungi will become defenseless against the action of the immune system. This fact, combined with the simple cleansing rules of ANTI-CANDIDA, will ensure the body is rid of fungi.
A decrease in the number of immunoglobulins to Candida after completing an antifungal cleansing course. The «mobilized» immunoglobulins remain circulating in the bloodstream for a long time even after the complete destruction of the fungi, but their number noticeably decreases.

Toxic effects of fungi on the body

Remember that like all living creatures... Candida eats, and... excretes...
Fungus harms your body and releases over 300 different mycotoxins into the bloodstream as a result of its digestive processes!
Many of these toxins weaken the immune system, clog internal organs (especially the liver, lungs, and vessels), and suppress the activity of the nervous system.
Of all these toxins, perhaps the most important ones to know are: gliotoxin and acetaldehyde. Both harm your thyroid gland and liver (the main blood filter). Dysfunction of the liver and thyroid gland creates more comfortable conditions for fungi. The more contaminated the blood, the easier it is for parasites to survive.
Gliotoxin destroys healthy cells and tissues, specifically targeting liver cells along with immune system cells.
High concentrations of acetaldehyde lead to a feeling of fog in the head, headaches, nausea, and fatigue, and also contribute to the onset of fibromyalgia:
In the first stage of fibromyalgia development, muscle tissue becomes denser (symptoms of osteochondrosis may appear);
In the second stage, inflammatory processes develop in the muscles (muscles begin to hurt because fibrosis occurs in them).
When fungi release acetaldehyde into the bloodstream, it acts much like the systematic consumption of alcohol in small amounts. This means that a person may constantly feel lazy, tired, shattered, and nauseated, as if they are inebriated by alcohol.
Toxins can provoke various allergic reactions. Basophils and mast cells produce histamine in response to foreign proteins and infectious irritations, leading to chronic histaminosis in an individual, manifesting as allergic reactions such as: tearfulness, sinus inflammation, mucus formation, breathing difficulties leading to asthma attacks, food allergies, reactions to blooming, muscle pain, and so on.
However, this is not the real problem... it's a consequence. The real problem is the fungus's «armor». How to address this issue using inhibitors will be discussed later on this website. 

Teaching revulsion and caution from childhood as an important factor for personal health and survival

Fungal and parasitic infections are much more common in people who lack a sense of disgust (one of the mechanisms of personal safety). Reading the text below, you may recognize yourself or someone you know, and understand why the incidence takes on a massive character.
For instance, exchanging saliva between children and parents can transmit pathogenic bacteria and fungi, causing cavities and other diseases. It doesn't matter how it happens, whether it's feeding from a spoon the mother has already tasted, drinking from a shared bottle, finishing someone else's food, using poorly washed dishes, cups. Even inhaling air from someone close to you, especially if their breath smells bad, can lead to infection. We're not just talking about microscopic viruses, but bacteria, fungi, and even large worm eggs. Here's a childhood example: a child biting their nails or a grandmother with decayed teeth kissing a child on the lips can cause cavities.
Using a poorly cleaned bathtub after someone, especially if an ill person bathed in it before, significantly increases the risk of fungal and protozoal infections. If a grandmother bathes, the grandson always takes a risk. Accidentally ingested water while swimming in natural water bodies, water getting into the eyes, especially in tropical latitudes, can lead to infections. 
Casual sexual contacts can lead to chronic diseases due to increased bacterial diversity.
Direct contacts, such as a cat or dog licking family members, result in the inevitable «cross-contamination» of all family members. Given that pets have the habit of licking not only your hands (and children then put these hands in their mouths), but also themselves «in certain areas», they can spread not only bacterial but also parasitic infections. Therefore, if your child has allergies, and at the same time «licks» their beloved hamster or actively plays with a dog, don't be surprised if they grow up unwell. The teaching of revulsion skills even affects the ability to choose food in store shelves: paying attention to its composition and expiration dates.
What could go wrong?
A disruption in the revulsion program occurs when a child is raised improperly from an early age. Sometimes unintentionally, sometimes deliberately, there is an embedded notion that being disgusted is bad. In this way, the older generation tries to convince the younger one that there's no difference in their health levels and that there's nothing to be afraid of. The child will then act against their innate sense of revulsion to show that they are «correct and good». And the more their microflora «cross-pollinates» with that of other people, the more pathogenic its influence will become. Such a child will become even more ill as they grow up.
For this reason, if you've decided to embark on a purification journey, it's most sensible to recognize the above and undergo cleansing within the family circle or with your significant other. The ANTI-CANDIDA project will help you with this.

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