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Candidiasis - 3 Forms | Types and stages of fungal disease development


19 января 2021

грибок кандида
The Candida fungus causes chronic candidiasis.
Candidiasis is a systemic fungal infection that can cause a variety of diseases and symptoms: from recurrent thrush to skin and intestinal problems. It's one disease, but the manifestations can be different.
The Candida fungus, like any living organism, undergoes 3 stages of evolution throughout its growth and development. Chronic fungal diseases and candidiasis occur when the parasite evolves and chitin appears in its cellular membrane.
Chitin is a strong biopolymer that is part of the protective membrane of fungi, which significantly increases their overall resistance to the effects of the immune system.

Young form of the fungus - Yeast

When a fungal infection enters the human body, it begins its development with a weak yeast form, which is quickly suppressed by the immune system. Typical diseases: various white curd-like discharges, plaque on the tongue and genitals, thrush, dandruff, skin flaking and inflammation, the appearance of red spots and other rashes on the skin, acne growth, ear infections, cold symptoms, lymph node inflammations, intestinal poisoning and irritation (IBS).
Candida yeast under 3000x magnification. 
The only difficulty the body faces in suppressing the yeast form of the fungus is its quantity. Yeasts feed on sugars, take advantage of a weakened immune system, multiply quickly and unexpectedly, avalanche-like.
The yeast form of the fungus most often develops in the oral cavity.
Rapid multiplication and filling of the body with yeast fungi always occurs against the backdrop of a distracted immune system - for example, due to illness, poisoning, hypothermia, severe stress, taking antibiotics without diet correction, sexual contact with someone heavily infected, or a diet high in sugars. The more factors that coincide at once, the more intense the infection course.
The immune system needs time to suppress millions of avalanche-multiplied yeasts. Unfortunately, if at that moment the body was weakened and unproductive for some reasons, and the person does not help themselves or doesn't know how to do it, then this task may take too much time during which the fungus can evolve.
Time is a key factor!
When the first signs of a yeast infection (e.g., a cold) appear, it's essential to support your body the same day and ensure a rapid immune response to halt the multiplication of fungi and parasites.
Otherwise, you might miss the opportunity, and there will be an overgrowth of yeast.
The most critical concern here isn't the prospect of a prolonged illness but the risk of the infection turning chronic and the fungus becoming resistant.

Prolonged treatment allows yeast to evolve and acquire a chitinous biopolymer. This type of fungus is much more resistant to immune responses and is more dangerous. Quick recovery guarantees no consequences.

Detailed methods to maintain your health and a quick recovery technique are described in the article «How to quickly get back on your feet when you have a cold» in the «Blog» section. Below are general health maintenance tips:
Switch to the «Anti-Candida» diet for 2-3 days. Avoid sexual contact and even simple arousal for the next few days. Use dietary supplements that support and mobilize the body. Consume antifungal foods.
It's recommended to combine various antifungal products, as they each have their spectrum of effects on the fungus. It's much easier to suppress the infection at the very beginning and to act preemptively.
Eliminate sugar, flour, yeast, sweet fruits, and products with a high content of chemical additives from your diet.
Visit saunas, take hot baths, consume lots of water and herbal teas; sweating is very beneficial.
Gymnastics, squats, and light exercises – move more to improve blood and lymph circulation.
If you follow these recommendations, your recovery will happen the same day or the next.

Adult form of the fungus - Chitinous

The chitinous form is the next developmental stage of fungi where the Candida cell wall is coated with chitinous biopolymer, and the organized fungal colony gains the ability to produce various types of neurotoxins.
Chitin is a very durable biopolymer that composes some living organisms, mainly fungi and insects. Chitin is part of the fungal cell wall, which is their primary protection. A fully formed shell makes the fungus much more shielded, significantly increasing its resistance and viability, allowing fungi to survive even under the most aggressive environmental fluctuations. Chitin protects the fungus from attacks by the immune system.
Candida Albicans under a microscope. Do you see the bright membrane surrounding the fungus? The granularity in the membrane is the chitin inclusions.
To put it simply, the immune system works on the principle of «eating and digesting» foreigners. Scientifically, this process is called phagocytosis. «Phagocytosis» comes from the ancient Greek word «phagos», meaning «to devour».
So, for an ordinary leukocyte to «bite off and digest» a fungal cell with a mobilized chitin layer is like a person trying to bite through a lobster's shell.
A situation where a person is sick for a long time and does not support their immunity leads to the body gradually being inhabited by «non-removable colonies of fungi» that carry out intense activities within.
Fungi form their colonies in specific places and areas of the body (skin, organs - anywhere), causing chronic diseases and systemic health problems.
Many incurable or hard-to-eliminate diseases result from the dominance of chitinous forms of various fungal strains, general immunity weakness, and impaired detoxification ability of the liver, against which the body becomes inhabited by new types of parasites.
Fungi continuously divide and enter the bloodstream to colonize new territories. They carefully mask their presence by «turning off» nerve fiber conductivity with toxins and neurotoxins so that the brain does not sense their presence (for example, skin affected by psoriasis doesn't hurt) and live by consuming nutrients circulating in the blood, mainly feeding on erythrocytes and heme iron. Fungi release a lot of metabolic products, poisoning the bloodstream, causing blood parameter disorders, deteriorating its quality and fluidity, leading to erythrocyte clumping. Impaired microcirculation of oxygen to the body's cells leads to intoxication and reduces ATP production, affecting overall energy, mood, and even a person's character.
The body's resources are expended to supply and develop fungal microflora that harms it. For this reason, the Candida fungus is an absolutely pathogenic parasite, unconditionally.
It is impossible to eliminate the fungus with any one-sided approach: taking medical drugs, alternative therapies, or just regular diet changes (except maybe for mild infections). None of these, when isolated from a comprehensive approach to fungus treatment, can destroy the robust chitinous fraction.
Therapeutic fasting often proves ineffective against the chitinous form of the fungus, reducing only the yeast population. In many advanced cases, fasting can even be dangerous, as fungi and parasites begin to use the weakened human body as a food base. There have been instances where fasting exacerbated existing problems.
Any detoxification, if done haphazardly, will not yield a lasting positive result.
As a result, most patients face the issue that after infection, it becomes impossible to get rid of the fungus.
The course of events is always the same: with age, a person develops chronic diseases, and their health deteriorates year by year. Regardless of any diets, there's less and less free energy left, and the number of fungi and parasites keeps increasing.
To truly get rid of the fungi, you need to take a systematic approach to detoxification. The ANTI-CANDIDA protocol is a rigorous detox system. Use it to cleanse your body of mature fungal forms.

The 3rd form of fungus - Mold colony

The pinnacle of fungal evolution is the mold form. This is the most potent and aggressive form of fungus, which is relatively rare in humans. Typically, the colony forms in one specific local area of the body.
Growth of a fungal colony. Externally, such a colony is scarcely distinguishable from a cancerous tumor.
It's typically characterized by very rapid, «hurricane-like» growth of a single specific colony. It usually forms in hard-to-reach, ischemic (deoxygenated) areas of the body where microcirculation is impaired, thereby undermining immune function and regenerative processes. Typically, such an individual has a significantly deteriorated blood quality, its fluidity, and the shape and appearance of erythrocytes. The number of parasites under microscopic examination is off the charts.
Growth of a large fungal colony. Externally, it's very similar to malignant formations.
If the immune system, for some reason, is unable to combat it, it simply constructs a circular impenetrable barrier of connective tissue around the affected area. Intense inflammatory processes occur inside. As a result, the affected area enlarges, and the protective shell expands.
A life-threatening form of fungus.

Prevention is the Best Treatment

To prevent such developments in oneself and loved ones in the future, it's recommended to conduct preventative detoxifications from fungi and parasites starting today.
Your actions must be systematic. Use the recommendations provided on the website, plan your detoxification, and stick to the ANTI-CANDIDA protocol.
A non-systematic approach, dictated by emotions like «I'll cleanse my body today and do what I want tomorrow» or «I'll give myself a week-long detox», is unlikely to yield good results.
Similarly, one-sided approaches won't yield results, where one only cleanses through diet, only antibiotics, only fasting, etc. All measures should be applied systematically. Prepare for a long battle. Apply your intellect and effort in the fight against parasites.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the Anti-Candida general chat:

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